
Corrections - TrustNews Sept 17

A few errors crept into July's TrustNews (the 60th anniversary issue); We are grateful to Michael Carden and Andrew Napier for pointing out these errors:

Page 9: In the second paragraph, the Civic Amenities Act is dated 1967, not 1957.

Page 20 — 21, “Winchester TimeIine":

1974 Local Government reorganisation This created a new combined City and District Council, not a new District Council.

1988 River Park Leisure Centre opened The Leisure Centre opened in 1974. It reopened in 1988 after a fire in 1987.

1991 Hampshire Chronicle office in High Street closed The printing press was removed in 1991, but the newspaper remained at 51 High Street until 2006 when it relocated to Staple Gardens and then to its present office at 5 Upper Brook Street.