
Petersfield meeting of civic societies - TrustNews Mar 19

Graham Brown, Chairman of the Petersfield Society, initiated this meeting on 20 May of civic societies in the Southern Region in order to have an opportunity to share common interests and concerns. Ian Harvey and Sophie Mason of Civic Voice had also been invited so that they could explain their organization (some societies were not members), the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission and to contribute to our discussion by offering advice from a national perspective.

Keith Leaman and l attended. Fortunately, two scribes were ‘volunteered’ to keep exhaustive minutes that would be later collated for a report to follow (as this will indubitably be a fuller and more accurate account, I shall resist the temptation to pre-empt their report). Attendees were about 30 from around 20 societies and we were split into 5 discussion groups so our exchanges of experience, views and ideas could be more effective and manageable. This worked well insofar everyone was able to have a say and also give a thumbnail sketch of their society. It became apparent that CWT is more fortunate than some as by comparison small societies were struggling to stay solvent and maintain membership. One society appeared to be in terminal decline - a warning against complacency, perhaps!

Much of the open discussion following highlighted how local and national issues such as planning procedures, conservation, climate change and sustainability, green infrastructure, etc, etc, were common problems and by sharing one might find solutions to help deal with Local Authorities. Civic Voice emphasized how important such collective engagement could be as the national membership of CV is over 75,000. Such a figure can become a significant lobbying force with the Government, and Ian Harvey proudly cited the recent grant of E44 million towards High Streets as an example of their influence.

Keith and l considered this had been a worthwhile exercise and one that engendered camaraderie invaluable for the smaller societies. Also it was felt by members present that out of this body a useful network could be established for the future - though this would be no mean task.

Arthur Morgan