
TrustNews Dec 20

Huw Thomas

The Trust was shocked to learn of Huw’s death early in October; only in his early 70s, l had expected him to long outlast me. How desperately sad for his family, and a sad loss to many others too. I first knew of him when he worked as a member of the County Architect's team of award-winning modern architects. However, later when in private practice, he found it increasingly frustrating not to be able to obtain this sort of work, though with his skill in remodelling older buildings he soon made a name for himself designing ingenious and stylish barn conversions. Widely known for his delightful water colour design sketches, he became sought after by discerning developers, and it is as the designer of high standard neo-Georgian housing that he has become best known in Winchester. But his greatest single gift to the City was his inspiration in 1990 that the abandoned and dreary buildings of Peninsula Barracks could be converted into prestigious homes in a very gracious setting, rather than demolished to make way for an alien housing estate on this historic site. He was always a friend of the Trust and we were pleased to support this venture, making a joint donation with the Gardens Trust to help take his ideas forward. Huw joined the Trust Council in 2001, and some will remember his series of articles for TrustNews entitled ‘Lipstick on the Gorilla’: provocative ideas for improving the appearance of buildings that he felt didn't fit in. He retired from the Trust Council seven years later when his work load became too great. Always interesting and entertaining, we shall miss his input at design review meetings, and the cheerful impromptu chats at chance encounters in the streets of his beloved Winchester.

Barracks Watercolour
Water Colour of Barracks by Huw Thomas


Michael Carden