
TrustNews Sep 21

North Walls Recreation Ground - an opportunity for enhancing nature

The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust is urging the City Council to prioritise nature at North Walls.


Winnall Nature Reserve
Winnall Nature Reserve in summer (Photo Chris Page HIWWT)


Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust is urging the City Council to prioritise nature when redesigning the Recreation Ground surrounding the old leisure centre.


The Wildlife Trust believes that the review offers a real opportunity to provide Winchester with a natural, multipurpose green space which brings people into contact with the meadows and rivers that make the area so special.


However, the Wildlife Trust is concerned that some of the proposals in the review raise expectations and may have potential negative consequences for nature and wildlife. The north and east edges of the Recreation Ground fall within the impact risk zone of the Winnall Moors Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The Wildlife Trust is therefore concerned by the potential urbanisation of this area and the promotion of activities which could impact the integrity of the SSSI, as well as disturbing wildlife and affecting visitors' enjoyment of the nature reserve.


In its response to the consultation, the Wildlife Trust stresses that a number of the proposals could have an adverse impact, including the promotion of wild swimming in the Park Stream in the SSSI risk impact zone and the proposed paved 'plaza' area by the redesigned Park Avenue entrance.


This paving would cause a loss of public green space and may increase noise pollution towards Winnall Moors Nature Reserve. Instead it is proposing a natural alternative, such as a wildflower meadow maze, south of the bowling green.


The Wildlife Trust is also urging the City Council to consider more natural features, including a natural play and tree climbing zone, native wildflower meadow features, river habitats and recreation enhancements such as water play and river dipping zones and viewpoints across to the nature reserve. They also recommend new ways to connect people with the natural environment such as waymarking, guided walks and support groups.


The Wildlife Trust is asking Winchester City Council to consider the following when redesigning the Recreation Ground:


  • The safeguarding of the wildlife that depends on the River ltchen and Winnall Moors SSSls

  • The need to connect people to nature in ways that are appropriate and avoid disturbance to sensitive species

  • Ways of encouraging people to take action to help wildlife and rebuild biodiversity

  • Taking action on climate change and its impacts on wildlife and local communities, for example by providing cooler spaces for heatwaves and rainfall interception to provide flood resilience.


The Wildlife Trust points out that if well designed, new and improved green spaces can also form an integral part of the Nature Recovery Network, providing more space for nature, buffering sensitive areas and providing habitat links and wildlife corridors.


The River at Winnall Moors
The River at Winnall Moors ((Photo Deryn Hawkins)

