
60/61 Colebrook Street - TrustNews December 1985

The little house between the Wessex and the Council Offices is a good example of how a humble building may have an importance far greater than its value judged by official standards. If it were to be demolished the scene would lose all its character.

Perhaps it would actually be replaced by another building now that "opening up" and "temporary" car parks are less in vogue. But what would we get, an extension of the architectural tour-de-force next door? With any luck we have at least grown out, of that sort of thing; nevertheless, what chance would there be of a building with half so much sculptural quality as `his little house, and would it be allowed to nudge the street in such a friendly fashion?

Modern architecture (if not every modern architect) is capable of meeting the challenge, but who would brief an architect to try? Until we see the right type of brief this building must be preserved, guarding our heritage until we come of age.

Michael Carden

The building is owned by the City Council, of whom we have made inquiries about its future. We understand that there is now no question of demolition and that the City hopes to use it for offices. The illustrations are by Michael Carden.


Drawing of Colebrook Street with 60/61 removed
Drawing by Michael Carden of Colebrook Street with 60/61 removed