
Programme - TrustNews December 1985

Through December & 1-5 January
Winchester’s Railway Heritage plus Improving the Railway Environment
Winchester Heritage Centre, Upper Brook Street. (Closed between 23rd and 27th December inclusive)

Thursday 12th December 7.15 p.m.
The Royal Victoria Country Park - Illustrated talk by John H. Holder, M.Sc.
St. Lawrence Parish Room, Colebrook Street.

Wednesday 18th December 7.30 p.m.
Winchester's Railways Remembered - Talk by Roger Simmonds.
Main Committee Room, Ashburton Court, The Castle.

Saturday 4th January 10.30a.m. - 4.00p.m.
Book Sale in aid of the Winchester Heritage Centre
in the Centre. (Please deliver books in advance).

Tuesday 14th January 12.45-1.45p.m.
Lunchtime Lecture - Planning and Politics - by Councillor Mrs. Patricia Edwards, Chairman of the City Planning Committee.
Keats Room, - Guildhall.

Thursday 23rd January 7.15 p.m.
Modern Architecture around the World Today - Illustrated talk by George Perkin, Dipl.Arch, RIBA.
St. Lawrence Parish Room, Colebrook Street.

Thursday 30th January 7.30 p.m.
Building in Historic Towns - Lecture by Terry O'Rorke (who represents the RIBA and RTPI on "Time for Design").
Walton Room, Guildhall. (Organised in conjunction with Winchester City Council's "Time for Design" Initiative).

Tuesday 11th February 12.45-1.45p.m.
Lunchtime Lecture - Archaeology in Winchester - by Ken Qualmann, City Archaeologist.
Keats Room, Guildhall.

Thursday 13th February 7.15 p.m.
Talk on the Winchester Volumes by Professor Martin Biddle
St. Lawrence Parish Room, Colebrook Street.

Thursday 20th February 7.30 p.m.
Housing as seen by the Practitioner - Talk by Darbourne & Darke (Architects).
Walton Room, Guildhall. (Organised in conjunction with Winchester City Council's "Time for Design" Initiative)

Thursday 6th March 7.15 p.m.
Conservation and Development: Zanzibar and the East African Heritage - Talk by Professor R. L. Barclay,OBE, RIBA, FCIOB
St. Lawrence Parish Room, Colebrook Street.

Tuesday 11 March 12.45-1.45p.m.
Lunchtime Lecture – by a City Council Spokesman – theme to be agreed.
Keats Room, Guildhall.

Thursday 20th March 7.30 p.m.
Commercial Building as seen by the Practioner - Talk by Arup Associates (a worldwide multi-disciplinary practice).
Walton Room, Guildhall. (Organised in conjunction with Winchester City Council's "Time for Design" Initiative).

Planning Ahead

April: We hope that the owners of Merdon Castle, Hursley, will permit a visit to this interesting site. Also a lecture on Signs and Shopfronts.

May: Visit to Portsmouth Dockyard (Sat. 10th). "Unusual Aspects of Winchester Cathedral" - Visit (Fri. 23rd, number limited to 12).

June: Visit to the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum at Singleton together with visit to Uppark (Sun. 15th). "Winchester's Defences" Part II - Archaeological Walk.

All inquiries about future events to the Programme Co-ordinator, Mrs. Brit Croft, Downlands, Sleepers Hill. (Tel. Win. 52978). More information will appear in the next Newsletter.