Programme - TrustNews May 1989
Saturday 13th May 10.30a.m.
Walkabout lead by Dr Frank Akerman of the Romsey and District Building Preservation Trust, visiting some of the projects with which they have been involved.
Coffee at St John's House. Meet Romsey Abbey.
Tuesday 20th June 6.00p.m.
Unusual Aspects of Winchester Cathedral - Another chance to participate in this popular tour of the roofs, tower, stair turrets, etc,
led by Mrs Corinne Bennett, MBE, BA(Arch)., RIBA, Architect to the Dean and Chapter.
Members only and number limited to 12.
Applications to Mrs Ann Jones, 17 Cripstead Lane, St Cross (Win 67048). Meet outside the south door.
Please wear sensible shoes and bring a torch. Cost £3, for Cathedral funds.
Monday 23rd October 7.30 p.m.
Annual General Meeting, King Charles Suite, Winchester Guildhall.
After the business meeting, at approximately 8.00 pm, there will be a talk by Maldwin Drummond, Chairman of the Hampshire Buildings Preservation Trust.
Winchester Heritage Centre
The Winchester Heritage Centre in Upper Brook Street is now open at the following times:
Tuesday to Saturday - 10.30 am to 12.30 pm.
Tuesday to Saturday - 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Sunday - 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Volunteer Stewards are still urgently required to help at the Heritage Centre. The Hon Manger, Alan Cooke (Winchester 64292) would be pleased to hear from anyone who would be prepared to help for one, two or three sessions per month.
Future Newsletter contributions should be sent to the Editor, Mr Robert Cross, c/o The Heritage Centre, 52/54 Upper Brook Street, Winchester, S023 8DG, not later than the 15th of the month preceding that of publication.