
Planning Developments - TrustNews August 1990

There are some planning decisions which are very much a matter of opinion, and the ones which immediately come to mind, are those of signs. Here colour, illumination, and lettering all have to be taken into consideration. Our Planning Panels spend much of their time inspecting these types of applications, but it is often that the true effect can only be appreciated after the work has been done.

There are some planning applications however, where there is little room for doubt. The Brooks developers recently applied for change of use of the 19 residential units to retail. Enquiries by the Trust at the Planning Office gave the impression that this application might very well succeed. In addition to making a strong statutory objection, letters were therefore sent by the Trust to the Chairman of Planning and also to the Mayor, pointing out, that this would be against the City's own policy of encouraging residential use in the centre of Winchester. In this case the application was refused.

Listing continues to be an important part of the Trust's activities. The Southampton University Industrial Archaeological Group recently sought the Trust's support in an application for the listing of the Hockley Railway Viaduct. This was gladly given as the Trust considers that this early brick and concrete structure has now assumed an added importance in the screening effect it will have on the raised course of the projected Motorway.

In the May issue of this Newsletter, the very poor condition of some of Winchester's Ancient Monuments was pointed out. No repairs have yet been carried out either to the Buttercross or to the Westgate, and the Trust has been unable to obtain any information. A recent inspection of the Buttercross reveals fallen masonry obliterated carvings, graffitti, and general neglect. Unless immediate repairs are carried out by the City, this very beautiful Gothic structure, may be beyond saving. The West face of the Westgate was considered to be in a dangerous condition two years ago, and again nothing has been done. Also the Trust's scheme for repaving the lower side of the Westgate which was promised last year, has still be be implemented.

Jeffrey Smith