
Programme - TrustNews August 1990

Friday 31st August 6.00 p.m.
Members are invited to visit the garden of the Trust's President, Sir Peter Ramsbotham, at East Lane, Ovington - for directions see May Newsletter.

Wednesay 19th September 7.30 p.m.
Heritage Centre, Upper Brook Street, HISTORY OF THE THEATRE ROYAL; an audio-visual programme of the Theatre's history from the early 1900s to the present day. Presented on behalf of the Friends by Grp. Capt. Monty Dawson. There will an opportunity for discussion and questions.

Saturday 22nd September
Saturday 13th October

From 11 a.m. in the Heritage Centre, Upper Brook Street, Winchester. Continuing the successful series of coffee mornings, with delicious refreshments by Mrs. Denis Loveday. Come and meet other Trust members, see the audio-visual programme on Winchester, and the permanent exhibition.

Wednesday 31st October 7.30 p.m.
A.G.M. at 7.30 p.m. In the King Charles Suite at the Guildhall when Prof. Martin Biddle will speak.

Wednesday 21st November 7.30 p.m.
Heritage Centre, Upper Brook Street. Repeat of the illustrated talk by Mrs. E. Proudman on WINCHESTER IN THE CIVIL WAR.

Unfortunately some members had to be turned away on the previous occasion. It is impossible to gauge beforehand the support for any particular event; using the Heritage Centre as a venue has several benefits, not least that the projector and screen are in situ, and normally the space is adequate.

There is still a need for more members to be involved in, and help with, events in the Heritage Centre. Please ring Rosemary Smith (0962) 840596 or Ann Jones (0962) 67048.