
Landscape - TrustNews February 1991

The weekly lists of planning applications received from the City which include felling and pruning of trees, have continued to be looked at in relation to landscaping and it's very important element of trees.

In the case of individual trees an assessment is made and comments submitted with particular concern that important, healthy trees in Winchester are kept and that any necessary work be undertaken by professional tree surgeons. Several instances were reported to the City Arboricultural Officer where work was being carried out without permission.

In the past year closer liaison with the Trust's Development Control Committee has entailed commenting on landscaping (or the lack of it) for new developments and alterations to property. Endeavours are persistently being made to include tree planting at the planning stage. We would like to see the City Planners adopt a policy of at least 1 tree per 5 car parking spaces and more use of climbers on walls where space is limited. Frequently what were pleasant gardens are becoming unrelieved hard surfaced car parking areas.

An example of this which the Committee took up with the Chief Executive is St. Bedes Court. This is a recently completed City Housing scheme in the Hyde Conservation area surrounded by terrace houses. The brick walls around the car park and hard surfacing inside and outside the walls has made it look like a prison exercise yard. Trees and climbers could have transformed this site.

Our views on the Brooks landscaping were mentioned in the Annual Report. The landscape work had started on the site before the plans were available for comment so nothing worthwhile could be achieved.

Members of the Landscape Committee attended presentations of several new developments including the Peninsula Barracks, Southgate Hotel and the new Hampshire Record Office for the Carfax site by the station. On the latter we commented on tree planting and general surroundings to the building and that the car park would be better terraced. When more work has been done on the landscape proposals, it was agreed we would be consulted.

Objections were made to the actual siting (not it's provision) of the Skateboard Park adjacent to what is the main entrance, in Park Road, to the North Walls Park. We consider this part of the park is badly in need of an overall landscape plan to upgrade the whole area. There is a marvellous opportunity here, especially with the waterways, to create a suitable entrance to this imporŽtant public space. This could include far more imaginative use of the area for those wishing to sit and enjoy this park. We are disappointed that planning permission has been granted for the skateboard park in this position and that it is to be enclosed by chainlink fencing.

Following a presentation of the Winnall Manor housing scheme for 162 homes for renting, we put in comments that the whole landscaping scheme should be simplified with less mix of materials and that tree planting be included on the East boundary, as this development will be seen from the Alresford Road.

For 18 months we have pressed for improvements at the West end of the Wessex Hotel, an important link between the High St. and Cathedral Close. This area is used at present for car parking by the Hotel. A replacement Paulownia tree is to be planted for the one that had to be felled. Trust House Forte sponsor "schemes aimed at improving the local environment" and we hope they will fulfill this aim here.

In November two committee members attended the launch of the Tree Warden Scheme for the Winchester and Eastleigh Area. Tree Wardens have been working in East Hampshire and some other counties organized by the parishes, but so far not in a town comparable to Winchester. We feel it is a worthwhile venture but more details need to be worked out before it can be implemented. The objects are to involve people in the care of their local trees, woods, hedges etc. and to encourage new planting. We are discussing possible ways to put the scheme into operation and will keep members informed. In the meantime if any member would like more information, Mrs. Fifeld or Michael Edwards can be contacted at the City Planning DepartŽment, Tel. No. 848177.

Looking ahead, together with the North Walls Park entrance, we intend to suggest to the City Planners that the setting of the Library in Jewry Street, and the adjoining car park, also have a landscape scheme prepared.