
Letter to Trust Members - TrustNews Spring 1993

February, 1993
Dear Trust Member
As you may remember, subscriptions were increased last year to £7.50 for. Family members, £5 for Single membership and £10 for Corporate membership.

According to our records, your last Single Subscription was paid at the old rate, of £3 on 6/5/92. Would you please be kind enough to send a cheque, made payable to the Winchester Preservation Trust, to the above address for the shortfall.

If you are currently paying by Banker's Order, I should be glad if you could please complete the enclosed new Order for the Subscription due on let May, 1993 and subsequent years. If you have always paid by cheque, it would be helpful if you could also pay by Banker's Order in future, Please use the enclosed form.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
E.J. Witts Treasurer



Details of your Bank



On the 1st May 1993 and on the 1st May annually thereafter please pay to Barclay's Bank, Jewry Street, Winchester (Code No. 209701) for the account of Winchester Preservation Trust Ltd. (A/C. No. 90972851) the sum of:

£.................Single Membership

£.................Family/Household Membership

£.................Corporate Membership

until further notice in writing from me/us.

This Banker's Order supersedes all other standing orders I have with the Winchester Preservation Trust Ltd.



Account No.................................................................


Please send this form to the Secretary, Winchester Preservation Trust, 52/54, Upper Brook Street, Winchester. S023 8DG and not to your Bank.