
Annual General Meeting - TrustNews Summer 1993

David Cowan, Chief Executive of Winchester City Council will be the guest speaker at the AGM which takes place on Monday 8 November at the Guildhall (see Diary for details). His subject will be the Local Government Review: What will be the main role of Winchester City Council? Will there continue to be a Hampshire County Council? Who will be responsible for those affairs that are greatest interest to the Trust, e.g. Development Control, Conservation and the Environment, Roads and Traffic? Members are encouraged to come and hear about this very topical subject, which will undoubtedly affect all our lives. (Harvey Cole, Deputy Leader of Hampshire County Council outlines the Review).

The AGM will include annual business (elections and finance, etc.) and the Chairman's review of Trust work during the past year and plans for the next. The evening will conclude with a glass of wine.