
Membership - TrustNews Summer 1995

The Trust's subscription year runs from 1st May. Again, subscriptions have been held at their 1992 rate of £5.00 (single), £7.50 (family) and £10.00 (corporate). The majority of members pay by banker's order which means a considerable saving on processing charges. Forms are available through Flavia Bateson at the Trust office (telephone 851664).

1994/5 saw a considerable increase in life membership which is available for a one-off payment of £60.00 (sin¬gle) or £75.00 (family). Please life members, do remember to keep us up to date of any address change.

At this time of the year many members make additional donations. These are too numerous to list individually but are indeed very gratefully received.

We are pleased to welcome the following new members who have joined since our last newsletter was published:-
Howard and Celia Root, Mrs J Groves, Nicholas Bourne, Mr M K Pascoe, Steven Caldwell, Mr A Evans, Eileen Blaikie, Bruce Parker, Graham Love, Margaret Mason, Lynne and Brian Sharpe, Mary Farrall, Mr and Mrs F L Evans, Mr and Mrs D E Cook, Master Robert Kirby (winner of the Hampshire Chronicle quiz), The Reverend P F Rowe, David Campbell, Ashby Renovations Ltd (corporate) and Hampshire County Library, Local Studies Group (corporate).

The majority of our new members are introduced through existing ones and we hope you will be able to pass the membership form enclosed with this newsletter to a friend or neighbour who might be interested.

Flavia Bateson