
St Agatha's Church, Portsmouth - TrustNews Spring 1997

An exhibition of late 18th to early 19th century embroidered textiles will be on display from 29th July to 9th August, at St Agatha's Church, Market Way, Portsmouth. After a history of neglect and dereliction following threats from road works and destruction of the Lady Chapel. This church, a magnificent late 19th century basilica, has been recently restored, with help from St Agatha's Trust whose patrons include Sir Hugh Casson, F A J Emery-Wallis, Mark Girouard and Roy Strong.

The fine textile collection includes embroidered banners, altar frontals, cope hoods, chasubles and humeral veils. Further information can be obtained from Revd John Maunder, 9 East Street, Fareham Hants.

Membership - TrustNews Spring 1997

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all those who have recently joined the Trust:-
The Taylor family (Maggie, John, Caroline and Matthew)
Mrs J Tanter
Mr and Mrs F Bingham
Colin and Sally Shaw-Downie
Robert Wainwright
Jeremy Fiddimore
Pam Moore
Pat Lees
Douglas and Clare Snow
Mr and Mrs J Lovegrove
Kathleen Horniblow
Mrs M Gell
Mrs A Griffiths
Kate Dicker
Mr C Whitmarsh
Miss M Bishop
Mr C W Pile
Mrs Madeline Pressly
David and Henrietta Atwell
Mark Page
Mike and Alison Farwell
Ian and Wendy Grant
John Pilkington
George and Nina Squires
John and Patricia Strubbe

At present we are lacking a newsletter distributor for the Quarry Road/St Giles' Hill area, if you could help please contact the Trust office 851664.

Subscriptions - TrustNews Spring 1997

The current subscription rates are £5.00 (single), £7.50 (family/household) and £10 (Corporate). Alternatively, Life Membership is available for a one-off payment of £60 (single) or £75 (Double). The majority of subscriptions are paid by bankers' order and this method certainly makes savings for the Trust in Bank Charges. The Membership Secretary would like to remind members that annual subscriptions for 1997/1998 are due on 1 May.

1997 Design Awards - TrustNews Spring 1997

The Trust is now inviting submissions for the 1997 Design Awards. These awards are given for schemes, within the City of Winchester, ranging from rehabilitation of old buildings to new buildings, street furniture, landscape and the sympathetic replacing of windows and doors in period properties. Most submissions come from architects and designers, but members of the Trust are encouraged to recommend schemes which they feel are worthy of an award.

This year's judging panel, consisting of two Trust members and two architects, will be chaired by Sherban Cantacuzino, architect and until recently, secretary to the Royal Fine Art Commission and former Executive Editor of The Architectural Review.

The closing date for entries is Monday 16 June.

Award winners will be announced at this year's AGM on 3rd November and schemes will be exhibited in the public library during the first week of December.

(1994 Award winners: Carroll Youth Centre: Graeme Stevenson Architects, Cathedral Visitors' Centre: PLB, Hampshire Records Office: County Council Architect's Department.)

Further information and entry forms can be obtained from Gill Collymore, 78 Canon Street, Winchester 5023 9JQ (01962 867032).