

The Vision: Work, Leisure and the Arts

Offices and industry are vital to the dynamic of the City, but must be kept in balance.
Shops and offices, with residential accommodation above, are the norm elsewhere in Europe, and once were here. The recent return to this arrangement should be encouraged. The tendency for commerce to exploit the City should be balanced by a contribution from commerce towards the ideal of the `Good City'.

Lively shopping is important to the City's character and prosperity.
Winchester's compact shopping area is integral to its historic core, which makes it a great asset. It can be extended in a way that will continue to appeal by the use of features such as pentices, arcades, squares and covered markets, without trying to compete with larger towns. The market is popular and draws custom to other outlets. It should be capitalised on and extended.

The City must welcome visitors of all kinds,
but not at the expense of its character, particularly as it is this very character which attracts them. Tourists should be encouraged to pay their way, especially by staying overnight.

Leisure and Sport are also vital to the life of the City.
However, Winchester cannot hope to, nor should it aim to provide the facilities of a large town. The citizens have many advantages that others do not enjoy. We should not put at risk what we have by over-ambition.

The Arts enrich the life of the City, and should be supported.
In addition, public art - sculpture,fountains, murals, etc. - should be integral to the design of public spaces.