
Development Control Panels - Trust Annual Report 1980

Inevitably, important building development takes considerable time to finalise, so this means the Trust is still concerned about Debenham's scheme and the future of the tobacconist's shop in the Pentice referred to in the last Report. It is pleasing to note that much of the early practice of Hunt's Chemists is now well recorded in the City Museum. Comments have been submitted to the City Council on many new proposals for development including the Bridge Street /Chesil Street corner, a Staple Gardens housing scheme and improvements in Paternoster Row for a housing association.

It is noticeable how the more inaccessible sites such as those off Sleepers Hill and Romsey Road are now being privately developed for luxury housing. The area around Hyde Road and Victoria Road particularly has prime development potential, and there are smaller infill sites as in Wharf Hill, Colebrook Street and Edgar Road where housing is appropriate, but eventually there must be an overall density for the town beyond which bath people and cars will be too thick on the ground.

Your Council hopes to continue inviting architects responsible for important buildings in the town to explain their schemes at one of the monthly meetings. It has been found that this exercise helps in promoting an understanding between the Trust and the architectural profession. It is also known that the resulting views of the Council are of some help to the City Planning Authority.