
Signs in Towns - Trust Annual Report 1980

Existing Signs
Existing Signs

Suggested Signs
Suggested Signs

As more visitors are encouraged to come to Winchester so will the vexed problem of signs to guide them increase in complexity. There are statutory traffic signs which inevitably seem prominent, and innumerable smaller plates fastened to buildings at the request of churches, colleges and voluntary groups. The size, colour and letter types for these are important and the location is determined by the need to be easily visible.

It surely ought to be possible to review from time to time the accretion of signs, and with respect to the Dean and Chapter, whom we know to share our concern, we illustrate this point with possible "before and after" sketches of the Close gateway.

The Trust believes that many members and others would wish to join a seminar on the design and location of signs in Winchester and the Secretary would like to hear from them.