
Archives Committee - Trust Annual Report 1986

The work of the Committee is concerned with the acquisition of material (mainly photographic) for the Trust's Archives and the promotion of the Trust's interests by the use of such material in exhibitions, etc.

The County Library in Jewry Street is an excellent venue for exhibitions where a prominent display area is seen by upwards of 15,000 people during a period of 4 weeks. During November members of the Committee arranged an exhibition on "The Brooks: A Heritage Lost" depicting photographs of the pre-demolition Brooks Area contrasted with a few modern scenes and supplemented by copies of old parish registers, directories, sales notices, etc. This gave an indication of the life and vitality of the area before the 1950s - a heritage now lost.

Thanks must be given to the staff of the County Record Office for their help in making material available for this exhibition. Selections from the material have also been seen in some of the smaller libraries in the area.

The Trust's archives are housed in the Winchester Library and have been used for specific research by members, particularly relating to the permanent exhibition at the Heritage Centre. Valuable additions to the stock have been made, particularly by the copying of about 50 Salmon photographs of Winchester at the turn of the century.

The Committee Chairman is anxious to increase the scope of the archive and would welcome the loan for copying of photographs, prints, etc. of scenes, views, events, characters, buildings of Winchester and the immediate vicinity. This work can be carried out within a few days or even while you wait if an appointment is made, and causes no damage or deterioration to the original.