
Programme of Lectures, Walks and Visits - Trust Annual Report 1986

Thanks to the energy and enthusiasm of Mrs. Brit Croft, our Hon. Programme Co-ordinator, members have had a very full and varied programme of activities.

Six evening lectures were given during the winter at St. Lawrence Parish Room. Alan Blanc, Dip.Arch., ARIBA, gave a fascinating talk on "The Care and Repair of Historic Gardens", widely illustrated and very much appreciated by his audience. David Anstis, M.Arch., ARIBA, visited us from Chichester and lectured on "Idendity and Design" with excellent slides. John Holder, M.Sc., from Hampshire County Council's Recreation Department, talked about "The Royal Victoria Country Park", a subject of much local interest. We may arrange a visit to the Park when work on the Tower is completed. George Perkin, Dip.Arch, ARIBA, Editor of the 'Concrete Quarterly', spoke on "Modern Architecture Around the World Today". This was a return visit by popular request and greatly enjoyed, as was a talk by Professor R. L. Barclay, OBE, ARIBA, on "Conservation and Development: Zanzibar and the East African Heritage". Finally, we were fortunate to have a lecture by Professor Martin Biddle, MA, FSA, on "Archaeology, History and the Winchester Volumes", which was followed by a lively discussion which ranged well beyond the subject of the lecture.

A visit to the Royal Naval Dockyard at Portsmouth planned in April had to be cancelled due to security restrictions following the Libyan crisis. This was a great disappointment since the architecture of the Dockyard is fascinating and we were privileged in that the visit was arranged specially for us by the Royal Navy. We hope very much that it will be possible to re-arrange this visit next year and, in view of this, an evening talk by Dr. R. Riley on the Royal Naval Dockyard, which will take place on 15th January, will be of particular Interest.

Closer to home, an evening visit in glorious weather to Merdon Castle was enjoyed by over 50 members. An archaeological walk along Winchester's Defences conducted by Mr. Ken Qualmann, City Archaeologist, and a vist to Winchester College conducted by Mr. J. Stow were both highly successful. The tour of the more unusual aspects of the Cathedral, led by Mrs. Corinne Bennett, the Cathedral Architect, has become a traditional feature in our programme and was an unforgettable experience for the twelve members fortunate enough to secure a place.

By the time this Report is in members' hands there will have been a visit to the new Military Establishment at Flowerdown and a tour of the Cathedral Close led by our President.

The Sherborne Society asked us for help in arranging a tour of Winchester and their visit took place in June. They wished to see some of the less familiar aspects of the City, including some examples of the Preservation Trust's achievements. After entertaining them at the Heritage Centre, we provided guides for a walk which included St. John's Street, St. Peter Chesil Church, The Weirs, Wolvesey Palace and Winchester College, and they were treated to a sumptuous tea by the Hon. Programme Secretary. We are arranging a visit to Sherborne in 1987, and this should be a very worthwhile event.

Any programme is a matter of trial and error and not all events are as popular as others. Broadly, the emphasis is on Winchester and Hampshire, but not exclusively so, and the aim is to give members the opportunity of talks, walks and guided visits not otherwise available to them. We welcome members' views on the programme, critical or constructive, and in particular their suggestions for events to be included in future programmes.