
Projects - Trust Annual Report 1995

After the committee's change of Chairman last year, we have been very active in initiating projects but slow at implementation. However, the rumination on longer term plans has brought up a number of pressing issues other than, for instance, the much needed short tern endeavours to inspire appropriate signage throughout Winchester.

These long term projects can be generally considered in three parts. One is the continued protection of buildings that enhance the fabric of Winchester City and where appropriate the listing of those structures. The committee is currently making an application for the listing of Garnier Road Pumping Station. Secondly, it is also seen as important the inspiration of new works within the city and the ideas submitted by Winchester School of Art students for a fountain at the Hugh Casson building is an attempt to enliven the environs of Winchester with interesting proposals. Finally, recognising the vital role historical information signs play throughout the city, the committee has implemented with the Winchester Museums Service a way to add to those already in place. The first of these should be seen in November to mark the site of the Spitfire Bridge.

The Trust has also started preliminary investigations, in conjunction with the Hampshire Buildings Preservation Trust and the Peninsula Barracks architect, into the feasibility of opening up the former palace kitchens on the south side of Queen Eleanor's garden. At present the kitchens lie under tarmac and are thought to be full of rubble.

Along with the projects outlined above, the committee will continue to give advice and aid to alleviate the difficulty of producing sympathetic or interesting shop signs in the short term. Hopefully, other ideas will be tabled for speedy completion and the committee will look forward to receiving suggestions. New faces who can give some time to research, daytime communications or project implementation are always welcome, so please contact the Projects Chairman any time.

In summary, the committee has not gone cold but actually guards simmering a very viable way forward, the rewards of which will be enjoyed with patience. The Projects Committee looks forward to the year ahead.

Scot Alan Masker
Chairman, Projects Committee