
Hon. Treasurer's Report for the year ended 30th April 1995 - Trust Annual Report 1995

The profit on the ordinary activities for the year was £957 compared with £1,069 in 1994 as follows:

1995 1994
Preservation Trust 2191 2925
Heritage Centre - general (1880) (2485)
Heritage Centre - shop 646 (1234) 629 (1856)
Profit 957 1069

The Trust Surplus of £2,191 included Income of £15,546 compared with £15,948 in 1994 which included a legacy of £1,000. Subscription income increased during the year from a greater number of life memberships. Trust expenditure included a £2,000 grant towards the landscaping of Middle Brook Street car park.

The Heritage Centre loss of £1,234, down from £1,856 in 1994, resulted from an increase in income and slightly reduced expenditure.

The overall surplus for the year was £957 increasing the Trust's accumulated reserves to £215,509.

The schedules detail the Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts of the Trust and Heritage Centre.

Copies of the signed Statutory Accounts are available for Inspection at the Heritage Centre.

Iain Thomson
Hon. Treasurer