
Members contributions - TrustNews Spring 2001

Autumn Afternoon 2000

An Elizabethan listed building.... its small-paned windows and their timbered surrounds, are being painted white...

What to do? This is after all central Winchester.

Already persuasive action is being taken by a passer-by to stop further painting. To no avail. She is told by the yellow 'hard-hat' wearers that their painting is to continue.

A Trust member joins her.... We recognise we are getting nowhere. She knows about the Trust and its new name but has to go on to a market town from where she will make her protest officially. "Please do what you can", she asks me.

This newish member, hurrying towards the City Council offices in Colebrook Street meets Andrew Rutter in the High Street. Sadly, he is sandwiched between two advertisement boards and cannot take over. His advice is instant. Armed now with several 'names' in the appropriate department, and a five-minute sprint later, through telephone contact and a formal protest made.

A day or two later the white paint has been removed: the timbers and windows are as they should be, in an Elizabethan building. Thank you city council officers for such prompt action.

(I believe the restaurant within serves first class fare!)

A newish member.