
Various - TrustNews August 09

Electronic Mail

It would help us to keep you better informed if those with e-mail would send us their addresses. The best way to do this is by e-mailing the Trust to: secretary@cityofwinchestertrust.co.uk.

We will not disclose the information to any third party.

Jargon Buster

The trust recently came across a reference to "Open Space and Green Infrastructure" in documents regarding Barton Farm and Bushfield.

The meaning of this terminology was far from clear so an explanation was sought.

The explanation we were given was:
"Green Infrastructure encompasses the physical environment within and between settlements across the District and comprises a network of multi-functional natural and semi natural areas which enhance quality of life, personal health and community well-being and help facilitate sustainable travel, green tourism and adaptation to climate change"

Is anyone the wiser?

New Members

A warm welcome to the following members who have recently joined:

Oliver Slater
Janet Dawson
Helen Benjiman
Steve Brine



You can now see all the Trust’s publications and more at........

Too much Paper? Silver Surfer? Computer literate?

>Did you know you can get TrustNews by e-mail?

.... or look at it on our website

Why not - cut down on paper consumption? get our news first? reduce the costs of the Trust.

Every year the Trust sends out over 2,500 newsletters, that's nearly 7500 sheets of paper and over £500 in postage stamps. Request a paperless TrustNews. Send us your email address and we'll keep you better informed about Trust activities and events.

We won't bombard you with junk mail and we certainly won't pass your address to third parties.

Just send an email with the heading "Paperless TrustNews" to secretary@cityofwinchestertrust.co.uk and we'll do the rest!


Can you help with any of these activities?

Occasional visits to places of interest
Planning Advisory Group Assistant
Publicity, Membership Coordinator
Occasional displays
at the Heritage Centre
Landscape / Arboricultural advice
Arranging lectures / educational projects

If you would like further information,
please contact:
Chairman - lain Patton
Secretary - Dr Vicky Feldman
32 Middle Brook Street, Winchester
S023 8DG Tel. 01 962 851664


Membership subscriptions for were due on May 1st. Thank you to all those who pay by Standing Order. If you pay by cheque please can you ensure we have your subscription as soon as possible. The cost for individuals is £10 per annum and for joint/family is £15 per annum. Please make cheques payable to "The City of Winchester Trust" and send to the Heritage Centre, 32 Upper Brook Street, Winchester, SO23 8DG.

Thank you