
Civic Pride Survey - TrustNews Jun 12

Saturday 23rd June. Winchester High Street. Can you help?

Our national body, Civic Voice, is encouraging all civic societies in England to conduct a short 3-question survey to measure how proud people are of where they live. This helps to find out how much people care about their town or neighbourhood. The City of Winchester Trust has decided to take part and we want our members to help in two ways.

First, we want as many as possible to complete the survey. We will have paper copies of the form available for collection from the Heritage Centre and other community places in Winchester from Monday June 18th until June 27th. For all those who have access to the internet, the survey can be completed on line by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/?sm=x2mm9dtbTo54Hjk1NKhshw%3d%3d or by following the link on the Trust’s website.

Second, the Trust will have a stall in the High Street on Saturday 23rd June from 10am to distribute the survey to shoppers and encourage them to complete them and to talk about the work and activities of the Trust. We want help with manning the stall for up to one and a half hours. If you can help please telephone or e mail the Heritage Centre, as soon as you can. Tel: W 851664;
e-mail: secretary@cityofwinchestertrust.co.uk

John Beveridge