
Robin Merton

Robin Beckford Merton - TrustNews Sep 12

Robin died on 12th July 2012 after a short illness. He will be greatly missed by all his friends in the Trust but, above all, by his wife Jilly, his children and grandchildren.

Robin was born in Winchester and spent his childhood here. Later, he became a soldier and had a distinguished career in the 4th and 11th Hussars. He served in Germany, Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Aden and the Far East. The family settled in Winchester while Robin was still serving. On retirement as a Lieutenant Colonel, he became involved in local life, not least in the Winchester Preservation Trust, as we were then called. He gardened an allotment at St. Cross with military efficiency. Nearby allotment holders had to work hard to stay anywhere near the level of tidiness and productivity of the Merton land.

In 1997, Robin became Chairman of the Trust and remained so until 2001. It was a busy period: the purchase of a 99 year lease of the Trust's premises in Upper Brook Street, promoting the first steps to preserve Bushfield Down from development; continuation of the Chippindale Venture with local schools, the production of "The Future of Winchester - a Strategic Vision" document; and a major effort to carry through the change of name to "The City of Winchester Trust" which involved much careful planning and legal procedures. All this took place under the watchful and supportive eye of the Chairman who worked tirelessly to bring about these achievements.

In 2003 the Trust published Robin's meticulously researched booklet about West Hill Cemetery entitled "A Peaceful Place to Rest".

After his retirement as Chairman, Robin continued as an active Trustee, always willing to take on a duty, organise an outing and as he had always done, be on hand with wise words of advice. His presence on the Trust Council will be sadly missed.