a City of Winchester Trust - TrustNews Mar 18 - Small Visions


Small Visions - TrustNews Mar 18

Three suggestions to add to Richard Baker's “Small Visions" in December’s TrustNews.

Cathedral Close

My Small Vision is the removal of the railings round the area to the immediate north of the Cathedral to open up that part of the Outer Close and allow exploration by the public of the footprint of the old Minster building.

Caroline York

City Bridge

I submit a suggestion l made some years ago to improve movement and access to the city.

Walking into town from east to west on the south side of bridge Street, the pavement narrows abruptly at the bridge. The proximity of traffic is a hazard to pedestrians, particularly when large vehicles have difficulty in passing.

A pedestrian bridge adjoining the present bridge on the south side would provide a safe passage for pedestrians and possibly enable the width of the roadway to be increased. The proposed bridge could be about 5 feet wide (the existing pavement is about 31/2 feet wide). One side of the new bridge would be the balustrade of the existing bridge, which dates from 1813. The other side of the new bridge would be a new balustrade which must be sympathetic to, and conform with, the existing bridge. An elegant, ornamental wrought-iron structure could enhance, not detract from, the appearance and character of the location.

The new bridge would provide a wider, safer crossing and possible vantage point for pedestrians. If it was made the primary route it could enable the roadway over the existing bridge to be widened by about 2 feet to ease the flow of traffic.

Chris Pile

1. Pavements are made pedestrian-friendly by cutting back hedges that over spill and stopping parking that obstructs them.


2. Street signs are rationalised, reduced in number and redundant posts removed.


3. Empty offices, such as Churchill House in Andover Road, are refurbished or rebuilt before any new offices are built.

Churchill House

4. Bins are tidied and maintained.


5. Unsightly advertising hoardings are removed.

Advertising Hoarding

....and two not-so-small visions

6. The Old Registry Office is restored as a restaurant, hotel, cafe, visitor centre or tourist information office.

Old Registry Office

7. The former grounds of Highfield Lodge (behind the Cattle Market car park) are restored as a garden.
