
TrustNews Dec 20

Planning Appraisal Group

As heralded in the September issue of TrustNews, PAG chair Mary Tiles has moved to Scotland, and as a result the administrative side of the work of the PAG panels is being undertaken by Trust Secretary Tessa Robertson, overseen by Trust Council member and previous PAG chair Shione Garden.

Our four review panels are still unable to meet because of the Covid restrictions, and so are carrying out their important work by email and Zoom. We are very grateful to panel members, all of whom are volunteers, for continuing to operate in these less than ideal circumstances.

The number of planning applications, while varying from week to week, has certainly not decreased, and may even have increased, perhaps as a result of people having to spend more time at home and deciding to make changes. The majority of applications involve minor changes and a large number of extensions.

The possible changes on the cards in the future as a result of the Government’s two White Papers are covered elsewhere, but if they go ahead, there will be significant differences in the ability of the public and the Trust to comment on proposed development. The Trust will be keeping a close eye on the proposals and what they will mean for Winchester.

The issue of tree felling, both for trees with Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and for trees in the Conservation Area, has occupied our panels recently, as they have found it difficult to make effective comments because of the paucity of information included in the applications. The Trust has raised this with the City Council.

We are always on the lookout for people interested in joining one of our review panels. The job involves reviewing once a month the planning applications that have been submitted for Winchester Town that week. Each panel includes an architect, but otherwise members are lay people with an interest in planning and development in Winchester. If you are interested in becoming a member or finding out more, please contact Tessa at secretary@cityofwinchestertrustco.uk for more information.


Tessa Robertson


Members and Public Comments


The Trust welcomes informative comments from local people, but must avoid being influenced by vested interests or personal matters. Individuals who believe their interests are being threatened by proposed schemes are advised to contact their Ward Councillors, who have more influence over such matters. If you would like to see details of Trust objections to planning applications and their fate, please go to the monthly PAG reports on our website.