
TrustNews Sep 20

Planning Appraisal Group

Our Review Panels have continued to work online, although this is not sustainable in the long term. They need to get back to being able to meet at the Heritage Centre (appropriately distanced of course). The number of cases has not dropped off precipitously although we have been dealing with many more minor things such as extensions and loft conversions rather than large projects.


There still seem to be cases being held up by the nitrate issue. We have also seen some really ugly loft conversions which are going through under permitted development (meaning that the council has no say once it is deemed to be legal). Even where the council has a say, it seems not to be abiding by its own High Quality Places SPD and we have complained about this.


All of which may soon be irrelevant if what is said about central government’s overhaul of the planning system goes ahead. At least in Winchester we know from the experience of the very slow build-out of Barton Farm that developers can be responsible for delays in the provision of homes and there have already been problems, highlighted by the COVID situation, with conversions of office to residential. Assuming these reforms go ahead attention will now be focussed on the local plan and PAG will be out of a job. CWT will need to find new ways of working to prevent poor development taking place.


This may however the last report you get from me, since l am hoping to move to Scotland at the end of August. Tessa Robertson, CWT secretary has kindly agreed to step into the breach while we see what actually emerges from the Government. But whatever it is, there are likely to be implications for Trust activities.


Mary Tiles


Members and Public Comments


The Trust welcomes informative comments from local people, but must avoid being influenced by vested interests or personal matters. Individuals who believe their interests are being threatened by proposed schemes are advised to contact their Ward Councillors, who have more influence over such matters. If you would like to see details of Trust objections to planning applications and their fate, please go to the monthly PAG reports on our website.