
TrustNews Sep 20

Letter to Steve Brine, MP

I am writing to voice the Trust‘s concerns over the Governments White Paper on planning. We are very concerned at the direction the Government is taking in its proposed overhauling of the planning system, which we believe will in effect emasculate part of the local planning procedures.


We think most people would agree that the planning system is by no means perfect, in which case it should be strengthened, not weakened.


As far as Winchester is concerned, the planning department has, over many years now, been under-resourced, with the result that indifferent decisions have been taken against a background of virtually non-existent strategic thinking. To develop coherently, Winchester needs some first-class strategic thinking, backed up by sound design principles, fully understood by development control officers, who understand the economic, environmental and quality expectation. It does not seem that many local authorities have the inbuilt ability to provide imaginative expertise and leadership; their strategic planning departments have been stripped and the development control sections follow questionable development rules unquestioningly. No doubt Winchester’s planning problems are repeated up and down the UK. It is extremely unlikely that central government will provide a better system - in fact their proposed system is more likely to deliver development that is inappropriate and poor in execution.


To simply remove planning requirements and provide a free fall environment in order to try and achieve speed and cost saving, is a route to potential disaster, which any government will not want on their CV. To carefully reconstruct the planning system in order to enhance and deliver a system that works, and provides the right type of development, is surely a goal for any government to leave as a legacy that they can be proud of.


We would very much appreciate meeting with you to discuss our concerns in more detail.


Kind regards,


Keith Leaman


12 August 2020