
Subscription Renewals - TrustNews Spring 1987

Annual subscriptions became due on 1st May 1987. New members who joined after 25th December 1986 do not have to pay again until 1st May 1988.

The rates remain: Single £3; Family/ Household (2 adults plus children under 21) £4; Corporate £8. (Of course, higher rate subscriptions are always welcome).

Please treat this notice as the renewal request. Invoices are not normally issued and payments are not normally acknowledged.

Cheques should be made payable to Winchester Preservation Trust and sent to Commander Bertie Tower, R.N.(Ret'd.), Hon. Membership Secretary, The Cottage, Woodmancott, Winchester, S021 3BL, or left for him at the Heritage Centre. Queries to Commander Tower on Dummer 429. Payments may be made by Banker's Order and the necessary form can be obtained from the Heritage Centre, the Hon. Secretary Gill Graham or from Bertie Tower.

In 1986 one in eight of all members had to be reminded about the payment of their subscription after the due date. This has taken - and is still taking - much time, and wastes money on postage, paper and envelopes. Please make 1987 the year in which you all join the golden band of regular and prompt subscription payers to whom we are so grateful.