
Gill Graham - TrustNews August 1988

Not only members, but everyone who has had any connection with the Trust, will learn with dismay that Gill Graham has decided, for personal reasons, that she must stand down as Hon. Secretary.

Gill became Secretary in 1977 and has been a tower of strength to four successive Chairmen. No organisation could have been served with greater dedication or efficiency and it will be very difficult to visualise Winchester Preservation Trust without her. There is not a single facet of our activities in which she has not been involved and which has not benefitted from her help and advice.

Few people realise how much goes on behind the scenes and it may not be generally realised that, apart from her other multifarious activities, Gill not only edits but produces our Newsletters and Annual Reports.

I have asked Gill for some particulars of herself and these are printed in a seperate article. Many of us have wondered what sort of background is required to produce the perfect Hon. Secretary. Now we know!

We have been fortunate in finding a successor in the person of Clarissa Paine. Gill and Clarissa will be working together to achieve a smooth handover, which should be complete when the AGM takes place in October.

David Middleditch