
Covenanted Subscriptions - TrustNews February 1988

Although subscriptions do not become due until 1st May, covenant forms are being circulated with this Newsletter in the hope that many of those members who currently pay by cheque or banker's order will transfer to this method of payment.

The advantage to the Trust is that our Treasurer is able to reclaim from the Inland Revenue the Income Tax at standard rate which a covenanting member has already paid on the money subscribed to the Trust. Your only commitment is to continue paying your normal sub for the next four years; the Trust's income receives a boost and this in turn helps to stave off the evil day when subscription rates have to be increased. Incidentally, subs have not been increased since the 1970s, but we can't hold out for ever!

Current annual subscription rates are Single £3 and Family or Household (two adults plus children under 21) £4. The rate for Corporate Members is £8 but covenants do not apply to them. Some members are choosing to pay higher subscriptions on a voluntary basis and all such gestures are very much appreciated.

Queries about covenants should be addressed to our Hon. Membership Secretary, Commander Bertie Tower, R.N.(Ret'd), The Cottage, Woodmancott, Winchester, S021 3BL (Tel. Dummer 429), and completed forms should be returned to him or delivered to the Heritage Centre.