
Book Sale - TrustNews Summer 1998

The book sale held in March raised the excellent sum of £289.40 for the Trust. Many thanks to all those who helped. The next sale is planned for the autumn.

Jo Gordon-Watson

Membership - TrustNews Summer 1998

Subscriptions for 1998/99 became due on 1st May 1998. As notified in the last newsletter the rates of subscription have been increased for the first time in 5 years.

The new rates are:
Single £8.00
Family/Household £12.00
Corporate £15.00
Junior (under 21) £5.00
Life (single) £100.00
Life (family) £120.00

Those members aged 65 or over who wish to continue their subscription at the previous rates may do so.

May I take this opportunity to remind those of you who pay by Banker's Standing Order that you must alter your instruction to the bank to reflect the new new membership rates. For orders payable on the 1st May it will be too late to alter this year's amount now, and I should be very grateful if you could send any balance due by cheque, addressed to me at the Heritage Centre.

Rolly Thomas

Comments on the Spring Newsletter Designs Awards 1997 - TrustNews Summer 1999

As the Friends of Winchester College were responsible for Hallifax Gate, I thought I would respond to the obser¬vations in the recent Trust Newsletter with its very fine front cover.

We are, of course, aware that the concrete and tarmac surface adjacent to the gates leaves a great deal to be desired and it is the intention that this should be replaced as soon as the budget permits. It is also the intention to repair the stonework of the archway supporting the gates. As the Friends of Winchester College were responsible for Hallifax Gate, I thought I would respond to the observations in the recent Trust Newsletter with its very fine front cover.

We are, of course, aware that the concrete and tarmac surface adjacent to the gates leaves a great deal to be desired and it is the intention that this should be replaced as soon as the budget permits. It is also the intention to repair the stonework of the archway supporting the gates.

I read the last paragraph to mean that the gates deserved a better location, but I imagine the intention was to make the point that they deserved a better setting.

Patrick Maclure