List of Trust News Articles
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Date | Title | Author | Link |
Dec-24 | Footer | 2450 | |
Dec-24 | Aedicules in Winchester | 2449 | |
Dec-24 | Station Approach | 2448 | Dec-24 | Central Winchester Regeneration | Richard Baker | 2447 | Dec-24 | ...and another mystery photo from our archives | 2446 |
Dec-24 | Trust Christmas Cards | 2445 | |
Dec-24 | Quiz Answers | 2444 | |
Dec-24 | AGM 2024 | 2443 | |
Dec-24 | The Pagoda House | 2442 | |
Dec-24 | Design Awards 2024 | 2441 | |
Dec-24 | Winchester Local Plan 2020-2040 | John Beveridge | 2440 |
Dec-24 | Winchester Heritage Open Days 2024 | Keith Leaman | 2439 |
Dec-24 | Christmas Quiz | 2438 | |
Dec-24 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2437 |
Dec-24 | Brass Band - Picture | 2436 | |
Sep-24 | Footer | 2435 | Sep-24 | Signage in Winchester | 2434 | Sep-24 | Summer Walks Programme | Jonathan Mardell | 2433 |
Sep-24 | And this issue's award for good design goes to ... | 2432 | |
Sep-24 | Winchester's Local Plan - what next? | 2431 | |
Sep-24 | Housebuilding | Keith Leaman | 2430 |
Sep-24 | Design Awards 2024 | 2429 | |
Sep-24 | Spring and Summer Talks Programme | 2428 | |
Sep-24 | Winchester Working Men's Housing Association | Richard Baker | 2427 |
Sep-24 | St John's Street | Elizabeth Proudman | 2426 |
Sep-24 | Bushfield Camp | Richard Baker | 2425 |
Sep-24 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2424 |
Sep-24 | Milverton Road - Picture | 2423 | |
Jun-24 | Footer | 2422 | |
Jun-24 | Drinking fountains in Winchester | 2421 | |
Jun-24 | The Stanmore Estate | Patrick Davies | 2420 |
Jun-24 | Design Awards 2024 | 2419 | |
Jun-24 | Promoting high density city centre development | John Hearn | 2418 |
Jun-24 | Winchester High Street Pedestrianisation | Judith Martin | 2417 |
Jun-24 | St Cross Allotments Gardens | Andrew Scott | 2416 |
Jun-24 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2415 |
Jun-24 | St Cross Allotments - Picture | 2414 | |
Mar-24 | Footer | 2413 | |
Mar-24 | Sculpture in Winchester | 2412 | |
Mar-24 | Hampshire Gardens Trust | Sally Miller | 2411 |
Mar-23 | New Talks Programme | 2410 | |
Mar-24 | Development north of Winchester | Richard Baker | 2409 |
Mar-24 | William Butterfield and the Royal Hampshire County Hospital | Judith Martin | 2408 |
Mar-24 | Winchester Regeneration | John Hearn/Richard Baker | 2407 |
Mar-24 | Winchester College Treasury | Suzanne Ceiriog-Hughes | 2406 |
Mar-24 | Summer Walks | 2405 | |
Mar-23 | Planning Appraisal Group | 2404 | |
Mar-24 | Winchester New Surgery | Sam Callow | 2403 |
Mar-24 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2402 |
Mar-24 | Winchester Hospital - Picture | 2401 | |
Dec-23 | Footer | 2356 | |
Dec-23 | Greening and Wilding in Winchester | Richard Baker | 2355 |
Dec-23 | Members' visit to Longford Castle | Arthur Morgan | 2354 |
Sep-23 | Station Approach development | John Hearn | 2353 |
Dec-23 | The Hampshire Cultural Trust | Liz Leask | 2352 |
Dec-23 | Central Winchester Regeneration | Liz Kessler | 2351 |
Dec-23 | Carlisle House | Judith Martin | 2350 |
Dec-23 | Challenges for the bus industry post-pandemic | Rob Vince | 2349 |
Dec-23 | Winchester's 'Character Areas' | Keith Leaman | 2348 |
Dec-23 | Bushfield Camp:outline planning application submitted | Richard Baker | 2347 |
Dec-23 | Trust Art Exhibition | 2346 | |
Dec-23 | Trust AGM 2023 | Richard Baker | 2345 |
Dec-23 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2344 |
Dec-23 | St Cross Hospital - Picture | 2343 | |
Sep-23 | Footer | 2342 | |
Sep-23 | Street Art in Winchester | 2341 | |
Sep-23 | Winchester 'Character Areas' | Keith Leaman | 2340 |
Sep-23 | A concept masterplan for Bushfield Camp | Richard Baker | 2339 |
Sep-23 | 2023 SummerWalks Programme | 2338 | |
Sep-23 | The Hat Fair | Judith Martin | 2337 |
Sep-23 | 2023 Members Visits Programme | 2336 | |
Sep-23 | And more... | 2335 | |
Sep-23 | Winchester Heritage Open Days 2023 | 2334 | |
Sep-23 | Josephine Gordon - Watson 1932-2023 | Keith Leaman | 2333 |
Sep-23 | Planning Applications Group | 2332 | |
Sep-23 | Update on Council's decision to delay Local Plan | 2331 | |
Sep-23 | Government Planning Policy | Patrick Davies | 2330 |
Sep-23 | William Walker - 'Diver Bill' | Peter Rees | 2329 |
Sep-23 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2328 |
Sep-23 | William Walker - Picture | 2327 | |
Jun-23 | Footer | 2326 | |
Jun-23 | Chimneys and Chimneypots in Winchester | 2325 | |
Jun-23 | Central Winchester Regeneration | Richard Baker | 2324 |
Jun-23 | Winchester Movement Strategy | Phil Gagg | 2323 |
Jun-23 | Members' visit to West Horsley | 2322 | |
Jun-23 | Bastides | Keith Leaman | 2321 |
Jun-23 | Summer Walks 2023 | 2320 | |
Jun-23 | High Street Pedestrianisation: lessons for Winchester? | Judith Martin | 2319 |
Jun-23 | Planning Appraisal Group | 2318 | |
Jun-23 | Placemaking - building communities | 2317 | |
Jun-23 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2316 |
Jun-23 | River Itchen - Picture | 2315 | |
Mar-23 | Footer | 2314 | |
Mar-23 | Winchester in its setting | 2313 | |
Mar-23 | St John the Baptist Hospital | Keith Leaman | 2312 |
Mar-23 | Members' visits 2023 | 2311 | |
Mar-23 | Winchester Paving Commissioners | David Neilson | 2310 |
Mar-23 | A new plan for St Giles Hill Park | Mike Biden | 2309 |
Mar-23 | Reforms to the NPPF | John Beveridge | 2308 |
Mar-23 | Summer Walks '23 | 2307 | |
Mar-23 | Local Plan Update | John Beveridge | 2306 |
Mar-23 | Restorative Cities | Arthur Morgan | 2305 |
Mar-23 | Bushfield Camp | Richard Baker | 2304 |
Mar-23 | Planning Appraisal Group | 2303 | |
Mar-23 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2302 |
Mar-23 | Bushfield Down - Picture | 2301 | |
Dec-22 | Footer | 2268 | |
Dec-22 | Architectural details in Winchester | 2267 | |
Dec-22 | Heritage and Growth in Cathedral Cities:finding a better balance | 2266 | |
Dec-22 | Winchester Distric Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan 2019-2039 | 2265 | |
Dec-22 | Members' visits 2023 | 2264 | |
Dec-22 | River Park Leisure Centre site | Rose Burns | 2263 |
Dec-22 | Hammer beam roofs-Westminster Hall and William Wykeham | Keith Leaman | 2262 |
Dec-22 | Victoria, enthroned in the Great Hall | Arthur Morgan | 2261 |
Dec-22 | What are King Alfred's observations on the High Street | Richard Baker | 2260 |
Dec-22 | A planning merry-go-round | Patrick Davies | 2259 |
Dec-22 | Christmas cards | 2258 | |
Dec-22 | Redevelopment and cutting carbon? | David Gleave | 2257 |
Dec-22 | Central Winchesster Regeneration | Richard Baker | 2256 |
Dec-22 | Station Approach | John Hearn | 2255 |
Dec-22 | Planning Appraisal Group | 2254 | |
Dec-22 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2253 |
Dec-22 | Wolvesey Palace in the Snow - Picture | 2252 | |
Sep-22 | Footer | 2251 | |
Sep-22 | Hanging Signs in Winchester | 2250 | |
Sep-22 | Hares of Hampshire an art trail in Winchester | Arthur Morgan | 2249 |
Sep-22 | Appealing Design - part 2 | Richard Baker | 2248 |
Sep-22 | Winchester Movement Strategy-next steps | John Beveridge | 2247 |
Sep-22 | Station Approach | John Hearn | 2246 |
Sep-22 | Regenerating the Central Winchester Area | Richard Baker | 2245 |
Sep-22 | Members' trips 2022 | Sue Owers/David Barber | 2244 |
Sep-22 | Summer Walks 2022 | 2243 | |
Sep-22 | Winchester Heritage Open Days 2022 | 2242 | |
Sep-22 | Local Plan timetable delayed | John Beveridge | 2241 |
Sep-22 | A Royal Palace for Charles II | Richard Baker | 2240 |
Sep-22 | Andrew Rutter | Keith Leaman | 2239 |
Sep-22 | Planning Appraisal Group | 2238 | |
Sep-22 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2237 |
Sep-22 | Little Minster Street - Picture | 2236 | |
Jun-22 | Footer | 2235 | |
Jun-22 | 1977's Queen's Silver Jubilee in Winchester | 2234 | |
Jun-22 | Six new listings by Historic Enngland | 2233 | |
Jun-22 | Thirty Years Ago in TrustNews | 2232 | |
Jun-22 | Transport planning for Hampshire | Richard Baker | 2231 |
Jun-22 | Brendon House | 2230 | |
Jun-22 | RIBA South Awards 2022 | 2229 | |
Jun-22 | Peter Symonds' School | Phil Yates | 2228 |
Jun-22 | Planning in Winchester | Keith Leaman | 2227 |
Jun-22 | Summer Walks | 2226 | |
Jun-22 | The Winchester Bindery | Sue Chopping | 2225 |
Jun-22 | The good the bad and the ugly? | 2224 | |
Jun-22 | Appealing Design | Place Alliance | 2223 |
Jun-22 | From Ancient to Modern: 95 years 0f Wincheester School of Art | Judith Martin | 2222 |
Jun-22 | Winchesters around the world | 2221 | |
Jun-22 | Planning Appraisal Group | 2220 | |
Jun-22 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2219 |
Jun-22 | Art College Rotunda - Picture | 2218 | |
Mar-22 | Footer | 2217 | |
Mar-22 | Winchester and its Setting | 2216 | |
Mar-22 | Members Visits 2022 | 2215 | |
Mar-22 | Sir Donald Insall | Michael Carden | 2214 |
Mar-22 | Licoricia of Winchester | William Carver | 2213 |
Mar-22 | Local Plan 2018-2039 update | 2212 | |
Mar-22 | Winchester Movement Strategy | John Beveridge | 2211 |
Mar-22 | M3 Developments | Richard Baker | 2210 |
Mar-22 | Anthony Proudman | Iain Patton | 2209 |
Mar-22 | 35 Southgate Street | Keith Leaman | 2208 |
Mar-22 | Regenerating the Central Area | Richard Baker | 2207 |
Mar-22 | Peter Symonds School | Phil Yates | 2206 |
Mar-22 | River Park | Rose Burns | 2205 |
Mar-22 | Summer Walks 2022 | 2204 | |
Mar-22 | Planning Appraisal Group | Graeme Stevenson | 2203 |
Mar-22 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2202 |
Mar-22 | Old Leisure Centre - Picture | 2201 | |
Dec-21 | Footer | 2168 | |
Dec-21 | Christmas Cards | 2167 | |
Dec-21 | Answers to photo quiz | 2166 | |
Dec-21 | Photos from our archives | 2165 | |
Dec-21 | Members visits 2021 | 2164 | |
Dec-21 | Last of the summer walks... | 2163 | |
Dec-21 | Civic Voice promoting pride of place | Joan Humble | 2162 |
Dec-21 | Hyde Abbey | Caroline Scott | 2161 |
Dec-21 | Planning for Winchester's future | John Beveridge | 2160 |
Dec-21 | The Theatre Royal | Phil Yates | 2159 |
Dec-21 | City of Winchester Movement Strategy | Phil Gagg | 2158 |
Dec-21 | A Winchester calendar | 2157 | |
Dec-21 | Winchester Cathedral Priory | Richard Baker | 2156 |
Dec-21 | Planning Application Group | Graeme Stevenson | 2155 |
Dec-21 | Hampshire History Trust | 2154 | |
Dec-21 | AGM 2021 | 2153 | |
Dec-21 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2152 |
Dec-21 | St Giles Hill in snow - Picture | 2151 | |
Sep-21 | Footer | 2150 | |
Sep-21 | Answers | 2149 | |
Sep-21 | Can you identify these places in Winchester? | 2148 | |
Sep-21 | Heritage Open Days | 2147 | |
Sep-21 | A reminder about the Trust's Website... | 2146 | |
Sep-21 | Winchester's Museums | Christine Pullen | 2145 |
Sep-21 | The Garnier Road Pumping Station | Dr Martin Gregory | 2144 |
Sep-21 | Summer Walks round up | 2143 | |
Sep-21 | North Walls Recreation Ground - an opportunity for enhancing nature | Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust | 2142 |
Sep-21 | Notice of Annual General Meeting | 2141 | |
Sep-21 | George Tusa | Iain Patton/Michael Carden | 2140 |
Sep-21 | Farewell | Phil Yates | 2139 |
Sep-21 | Christmas Cards | 2138 | |
Sep-21 | Local Plan Review | John Beveridge | 2137 |
Sep-21 | Neighbourhood Planning - the way forward? | 2136 | |
Sep-21 | The future of Winchester and its high Street | Dr Paul Spencer | 2135 |
Sep-21 | Reduciing your home's carbon footprint | Stuart Mills | 2134 |
Sep-21 | Can historic buildings play their part in tackling climate change | 2133 | |
Sep-21 | What is 'Winchesterness'? | Keith Leaman | 2132 |
Sep-21 | Central Area Timeline | Richard Baker | 2131 |
Sep-21 | Silver Hill to Central Winchester Regeneration to Saxongate | Richard Baker | 2130 |
Sep-21 | Planning Application Group | Graeme Stevenson | 2129 |
Sep-21 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2128 |
Sep-21 | The Square - Picture | 2127 | |
Jun-21 | Footer | 2126 | |
Jun-21 | The Festival of Britain: 3 May - 30 September 1951 | Peter Rees | 2125 |
Jun-21 | North Walls Park | 2124 | |
Jun-21 | Local Plan - Next Steps | John Beveridge | 2123 |
Jun-21 | Silver Hill - Going Forward...? | Arthur Morgan | 2122 |
Jun-21 | The Pump House, Garnier Road - Robin Merton | 2121 | |
Jun-21 | Contagion, change and coincidence in Winchester, from 1299 to 2021 - a quick trot through the centuries | Judith Martin | 2120 |
Jun-21 | Reducing car parking in the Cathedral Closes | John Beveridge | 2119 |
Jun-21 | Winchester Heritage Open Days has a new home - HAMPSHIRE HISTORY TRUST | 2118 | |
Jun-21 | Winchester Walks | Keith Leaman | 2117 |
Jun-21 | Planning Application Group | Graeme Stevenson | 2116 |
Jun-21 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2115 |
Jun-21 | Garnier Pumping Station Chimney - Picture | 2114 | |
Mar-21 | Footer | 2113 | |
Mar-21 | Sir John Moore Barracks | 2112 | |
Mar-21 | Update on City of Winchester Trust Archves | Barrie Brinkman | 2111 |
Mar-21 | Winchester in the Archives | Richard Baker | 2110 |
Mar-21 | Walking and cycling improvemenrs? | 2109 | |
Mar-21 | Traffic Circulation and Reduction | John Seager Green | 2108 |
Mar-21 | Mark Dodd | 2107 | |
Mar-21 | Government consultations on changes to the plannning system | John Beveridge | 2106 |
Mar-21 | Revision of Winchester's Local Plan | John Beveridge | 2105 |
Mar-21 | Shione Carden | Keith Leaman | 2104 |
Mar-21 | Planning Application Group | Tessa Robertson | 2103 |
Mar-21 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2102 |
Mar-21 | East Side of Guildhall - Picture | 2101 | |
Dec-20 | Footer | 2053 | |
Dec-20 | Huw Watson | Michael Carden | 2052 |
Dec-20 | Lipstick on the Gorilla 1 & 3 | Huuw Thomas | 2051 |
Dec-20 | Silver Hill - here we go again! | Kim Gottlieb | 2050 |
Dec-20 | Central Regeneration Area site - progress report | Richard Baker | 2049 |
Dec-20 | Trust Christmas cards for sale | 2048 | |
Dec-20 | A practical Vision for Winchester High Street | Stephen Harte | 2047 |
Dec-20 | The Water Garden - latest episode | Judith Martin | 2046 |
Dec-20 | Lord Ashburton | Keith Leaman | 2045 |
Dec-20 | Planning Application Group | Tessa Robertson | 2044 |
Dec-20 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2043 |
Dec-20 | Barracks parade ground - Picture | 2042 | |
Sept-20 | Footer | 2041 | |
Sept-20 | Winchester City Centre - Urban Design Framework | 2040 | |
Sept-20 | Realising a Practical Vision for Winchester High Street | Stephen Harte | 2039 |
Sept-20 | Letter: Development of quality housing depends on Planning controls | Judith Martin | 2038 |
Sept-20 | Civic Voice "In Conversation" dialogues - a personal apprasal | Arthur Morgan | 2037 |
Sept-20 | Planning White Paper: comment | Sue Turner | 2036 |
Sept-20 | A plea for Visionary Planning | Chris Higgins | 2035 |
Sept-20 | The Planning White Paper | Michael Carden | 2034 |
Sept-20 | George Martin ARIBA | 2033 | |
Sept-20 | WCC Local Plan Review 2023-2038 | John Beveridge | 2032 |
Sept-20 | Trust Visits | Iain Patton | 2031 |
Sept-20 | Planning Application Group | Mary Tiles | 2030 |
Sept-20 | Letter to Steve Brine, MP | Keith Leaman | 2029 |
Sept-20 | Heritage Open Days | 2028 | |
Sept-20 | Chairmaan's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 2027 |
Sept-20 | White Paper Image - Picture | 2026 | |
Jun-20 | Footer | 2025 | |
Jun-20 | Trust Visit to The Edward Barnsley Workshop | Judith Martin | 2024 |
Jun-20 | Kitty Bishop | Phil Yates | 2023 |
Jun-20 | A Vision for Winchester High Street from the Westgate to King Alfred's Statue | Stephen Harte | 2022 |
Mar-20 | Alternative plan for Station Aproach | Judith Martin | 2021 |
Jun-20 | Station Approach Q & A | 2020 | |
Jun-20 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 2019 |
Jun-20 | A few thoughts as a result of the Lockdown | Keith Leaman | 2018 |
Jun-20 | Winchester High Street - Picture | 2017 | |
Mar-20 | Footer | 2016 | |
Mar-20 | Trust Visits 2020 | 2015 | |
Mar-20 | Memoir of St Michael's Parish | Kitty Bishop | 2014 |
Mar-20 | Rosemary Kinnard-Smith BA Cert Cons | Michael Carden | 2013 |
Mar-20 | Captain Ian Grant | Michael Carden | 2012 |
Mar-20 | Carfax Hotel | The Editor | 2011 |
Mar-20 | Sandys Lecture | Arthur Morgan | 2010 |
Mar-20 | Civic Voice | John Beveridge | 2009 |
Mar-20 | Design - an essay | 2008 | |
Mar-20 | Planning Coach Tour | Mary Tiles | 2007 |
Mar-20 | Lessons for Winchester from Main Street America | Judith Martin | 2006 |
Mar-20 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 2005 |
Mar-20 | Planning the built environment | Keith Leaman | 2004 |
Mar-20 | Reorganisation | Keith Leaman | 2003 |
Mar-20 | Station Approach | Keith Leaman | 2002 |
Mar-20 | Station Approach - Picture | 2001 | |
Dec-19 | Footer | 1747 | |
Dec-19 | Christmas Cards | 1746 | |
Dec-19 | Time Gentlemen Please! | Tessa Robertson | 1745 |
Dec-19 | Spring Attractions | Iain Patton | 1744 |
Dec-19 | A Local Heritage List | Mary Tiles | 1743 |
Dec-19 | Mary Cross | Michael Carden | 1742 |
Dec-19 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1741 |
Dec-19 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1740 |
Dec-19 | carfax Hotel | 1739 | |
Sep-19 | Footer | 1738 | |
Sep-19 | Notice of AGM | 1737 | |
Sep-19 | Trust visit to South East London | Sue Owers | 1736 |
Sep-19 | Extraordinary Women in Winchester | Judith Martin | 1735 |
Sep-19 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1734 |
Sep-19 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1733 |
Sep-19 | Hamilton House | 1732 | |
Jun-19 | Footer | 1731 | |
Jun-19 | Membership | Tessa Robertson | 1730 |
Jun-19 | Member and Public Comments | 1729 | |
Jun-19 | Wadworth's brewery and Clifton beam engines | Carol Orchard | 1728 |
Jun-19 | Petersfield Meeting of civic societies | ??????????????? | 1727 |
Jun-19 | Trust Trip to the City of London | Sue Owers | 1726 |
Jun-19 | Building Better, Building Beautiful | Arthur Morgan | 1725 |
Jun-19 | Summer Walks 2019 | 1724 | |
Jun-19 | Meadowlands | Judith Martin | 1723 |
Jun-19 | Trust comments on "Station Approach" | Mary Tiles | 1722 |
Jun-19 | Chesil Street Station | Keith Leaman | 1721 |
Jun-19 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1720 |
Jun-19 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1719 |
Jun-19 | Meadowlands to be demolished | 1718 | |
Mar-19 | Footer | 1717 | |
Mar-19 | Summer Walks | 1716 | |
Mar-19 | A Vision for Winchester | Richard Baker | 1715 |
Mar-19 | Conservation Area Review Project | Mary Tiles | 1714 |
Mar-19 | Thomas Micklam "Not quite a Gentleman?" | Judith Martin | 1713 |
Mar-19 | Building Better, Building Beatiful - initial thoughts | Michael Carden | 1712 |
Mar-19 | Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission | Arthur Morgan | 1711 |
Mar-19 | Members Visit to Red House and Eltham Palace | Sue Owers | 1710 |
Mar-19 | Ernest Witts | Phil Yates | 1709 |
Mar-19 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1708 |
Mar-19 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1707 |
Mar-19 | WCC Corporation 1896/7 | 1706 | |
Dec-18 | Footer | 1705 | |
Dec-18 | Membership | Tessa Robertson | 1704 |
Dec-18 | Members visits: What could we do in 2019 | Sue Owers & Iain Patton | 1703 |
Dec-18 | West Hill Cemetery | Drs Mark Allen & Christina Welch | 1702 |
Dec-18 | Heritage Open Days | John Beveridge | 1701 |
Dec-18 | Conservation ...Regeneration | Arthur Morgan | 1700 |
Dec-18 | WCC District Planning Coach Trip | Mary Tiles | 1699 |
Dec-18 | Letters | Rosemary Poole & Michael Carden | 1698 |
Dec-18 | Bristol Housing Federation | Clare Kilroy | 1697 |
Dec-18 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1696 |
Dec-18 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1695 |
Dec-18 | Former Chapel West Hill Cemetery | 1694 | |
Sep-18 | Footer | 1693 | |
Sep-18 | Visit to Bransgore and Christchurch | Sue Owers | 1692 |
Sep-18 | King Alfred Statue | 1691 | |
Sep-18 | Winchester Movement Strategy Workshop | Arthur Morgan & Mary Tiles | 1690 |
Sep-18 | Heritage Open Days | 1689 | |
Sep-18 | Local Plan Review | John Beveridge | 1688 |
Sep-18 | Civic Voice Design Awards 2018 | Arthur Morgan | 1687 |
Sep-18 | Welcome to Winchester Futue 50 | Michael Carr | 1686 |
Sep-18 | GDPR Update | Tessa Robertson | 1685 |
Sep-18 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1684 |
Sep-18 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1683 |
Sep-18 | Reconstructed Cloister Arch | 1671 | |
Jun-18 | Footer | 1682 | |
Jun-18 | Clean Air Day | 1681 | |
Jun-18 | Visit to Mells | 1680 | |
Jun-18 | Summer Walks 2018 | 1679 | |
Jun-18 | Ray Affield enters the debate | Ray Affield | 1678 |
Jun-18 | Style and Authenticity | Kate Macintosh | 1677 |
Jun-18 | GDPR has arrived | Barrie Brinkman | 1676 |
Jun-18 | Hampshire Paper - Thomas Micklam | Editor | 1675 |
Jun-18 | Water Close Garden | Editor | 1674 |
Jun-18 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1673 |
Jun-18 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1672 |
Jun-18 | View of Water Close | 1671 | |
Mar-18 | Footer | 1670 | |
Mar-18 | Winchester's Water Gdns & its creator | Judith Martin | 1669 |
Mar-18 | Trust Walks 2018 | Paul Williams | 1668 |
Mar-18 | Small Visions | Caroline York & Chris Pile | 1667 |
Mar-18 | Tourist Office Walks | Johanna Cruickshank | 1666 |
Mar-18 | Trust Visits 2018 | Sue Owers & Iain Patton | 1665 |
Mar-18 | Style and Authenticity | Robert Adams | 1664 |
Mar-18 | Winchester Heart of a City Electronic book | Sue Owers & Iain Patton | 1663 |
Mar-18 | Community Infrastructure Levy | 1662 | |
Mar-18 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1661 |
Mar-18 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1660 |
Mar-18 | View of Water Close | 1659 | |
Dec-17 | Footer | 1658 | |
Dec-17 | Have your say | 1657 | |
Dec-17 | Special Meeting | 1656 | |
Dec-17 | Winchester's lost Victorian architect | Judith Martin | 1655 |
Dec-17 | Architectural Authenticity | Kate Macintosh | 1654 |
Dec-17 | Small Visions | Richard Baker | 1653 |
Dec-17 | Planning Coach Trip | Mary Tiles & Gill Collymore | 1652 |
Dec-17 | Trust Walks 2017 | Paul Williams | 1651 |
Dec-17 | Visits in 2018 | Sue Owers & Iain Patton | 1650 |
Dec-17 | In Memoriam | Michael Carden | 1649 |
Dec-17 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1648 |
Dec-17 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1647 |
Dec-17 | Trust Chistmas Cards 2017 | 1646 | |
Sep-17 | Footer | 1645 | |
Sep-17 | Images | 1644 | |
Sep-17 | Winchester Heritage Open Days | Nicky Gottlieb | 1643 |
Sep-17 | Winchester and District Traffic Strategy | Keith Leaman | 1642 |
Sep-17 | Central Winchester Regeneration | Arthur Morgan | 1641 |
Sep-17 | Architectual Style | Robert Adam | 1640 |
Sep-17 | Corrections | 1639 | |
Sep-17 | In Memoriam | Michael Carden | 1638 |
Sep-17 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1637 |
Sep-17 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1636 |
Sep-17 | Central Winchester Regeneration Area | 1635 | |
Jul-17 | Back Title - Images of Winchester Institutions | 1634 | |
Jul-17 | Footer | 1633 | |
Jul-17 | Volunteers Wanted | 1632 | |
Jul-17 | Heritage Open Days | 1631 | |
Jul-17 | What do Ilike and dislike about Winchester | Mark Byford | 1630 |
Jul-17 | Then and Now | Phil Yates | 1629 |
Jul-17 | Winchester Timeline 1957-2017 | Richard Baker | 1628 |
Jul-17 | Trust Visit to Bruton | Jim Forster | 1627 |
Jul-17 | A Small Music Space in Winchester? | Caroline & Richard York | 1626 |
Jul-17 | Summer Walks Programme | 1625 | |
Jul-17 | The Royal Gates in the Great Hall | Michael Morris | 1624 |
Jul-17 | Roger Brown's Model of Victorian Winchester | Liz Leask | 1623 |
Jul-17 | Local Planning 1957-2017 | John Baker | 1622 |
Jul-17 | Creating good Townscape is not about 'architectual style' | John Baker | 1621 |
Jul-17 | Conservation in Winchester | Andrew Rutter | 1620 |
Jul-17 | Trust's activities & the importance of its Members | Shione Carden | 1619 |
Jul-17 | History & Philosophy of the Trust | Michael Carden | 1618 |
Jul-17 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1617 |
Jul-17 | From the Chairman | Keith Leaman | 1616 |
Jul-17 | Title - Images of Winchester | 1615 | |
Mar-17 | Footer | 1614 | |
Mar-17 | Organisation | 1613 | |
Mar-17 | Exclusive City of Winchester Trust cards & prints | 1612 | |
Mar-17 | Letters | 1611 | |
Mar-17 | A nostalgic climb | Phil Yates | 1610 |
Mar-17 | Personal thoughts about design & urban regeneration | Michael Carden | 1609 |
Mar-17 | Summer Walks 2017 | 1608 | |
Mar-17 | Trust Visits 2017 | Sue Owers & Iain Patton | 1607 |
Mar-17 | Central Area Regeneration | Ray Attfield | 1606 |
Mar-17 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1605 |
Mar-17 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1604 |
Mar-17 | View of the Bus Station print | Andrew Rutter | 1603 |
Dec-16 | Footer | 1602 | |
Dec-16 | Organisation | 1601 | |
Dec-16 | New Members | 1600 | |
Dec-16 | A real mixture | Phil Yates | 1599 |
Dec-16 | Walks Programme 2016 | Paul Williams | 1598 |
Dec-16 | Some personal thoughts on architectual style | Michael Carden | 1597 |
Dec-16 | Station Approach so far | Barrie Brinkman | 1596 |
Dec-16 | Annual WCC Planning District Coach Tour | Arthur Morgan & Mary Tiles | 1595 |
Dec-16 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1594 |
Dec-16 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1593 |
Dec-16 | Old Winchester Traffic Jam Photo | 1592 | |
Sep-16 | Footer | 1591 | |
Sep-16 | Letter - Graham Winyard | 1590 | |
Sep-16 | Membership | 1589 | |
Sep-16 | Lets go to the Pictures | Phil Yates | 1588 |
Sep-16 | Is the planning system working ? | Mary Tiles | 1587 |
Sep-16 | Trust visit: Sherborne Castle & Abbey | Arthur Morgan | 1586 |
Sep-16 | Trust visit: 2017 | Iain Patton | 1585 |
Sep-16 | Trust visit: West Dean Gardens & Goodwood House | Carol Orchard | 1584 |
Sep-16 | Robin Freeman | Keith Leaman | 1583 |
Sep-16 | In Conversation with Lloyd Grossman | Nicky Gottlieb | 1582 |
Sep-16 | Heritage Open Day, 8-11 September 2016 | Keith Leaman | 1581 |
Sep-16 | Bar End & the Leisure Centre - a rough guide | Michael Carden | 1580 |
Sep-16 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1579 |
Sep-16 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1578 |
Sep-16 | Corn Exchange 1902 Photo | 1577 | |
Jun-16 | Footer | 1576 | |
Jun-16 | Membership | 1575 | |
Jun-16 | Heritage Open Days & Winchester, 8-11 September | Nicky Gottlieb | 1574 |
Jun-16 | Andrew Rutter and John Bulford Exhibition | 1573 | |
Jun-16 | Who cares? You care | Richard Baker | 1572 |
Jun-16 | What is in a name? | Phil Yates | 1571 |
Jun-16 | Summer Walks 2016 | 1570 | |
Jun-16 | Trust visit to the Watts Gallery, Tuesday 12th April | Linda Lacey | 1569 |
Jun-16 | Open House London - 17/18 September 2016 | Sue Owers | 1568 |
Jun-16 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1567 |
Jun-16 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1566 |
Jun-16 | Westgate View Photo | 1565 | |
Mar-16 | Footer | 1564 | |
Mar-16 | Visit to the Watts Gallery, Compton, Surrey | Iain Patton | 1563 |
Mar-16 | What s in a name? | Phil Yates | 1562 |
Mar-16 | Outing to Sherborne | Sue Owers | 1561 |
Mar-16 | Outing to West Dean Gardens & Goodwood Hse | 1560 | |
Mar-16 | Organisation | 1559 | |
Mar-16 | National Trust Free Day Passes | 1558 | |
Mar-16 | Summmer Walks 2016 | Paul Rockliffe-Williams | 1557 |
Mar-16 | | Barrie Brinkman | 1556 |
Mar-16 | Who cares ? | Richard Baker | 1555 |
Mar-16 | The essence of the Trust | Michael Carden | 1554 |
Mar-16 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1553 |
Mar-16 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1552 |
Mar-16 | Cathedral Green Photo | 1551 | |
Dec-15 | Footer | 1550 | |
Dec-15 | Organisation | 1549 | |
Dec-15 | Membership | 1548 | |
Dec-15 | Keith Egleston MBE,J.P. | 1547 | |
Dec-15 | Chris Webb | Phil Yates | 1546 |
Dec-15 | Christmas is coming | 1545 | |
Dec-15 | Festive Memories | Phil Yates | 1544 |
Dec-15 | Forthcoming Events | Sue Owers & Iain Patton | 1543 |
Dec-15 | Design Awards 2015 | 1542 | |
Dec-15 | Social Housing - an update | Judith Martin | 1541 |
Dec-15 | Planning Appraisal Group | Mary Tiles | 1540 |
Dec-15 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1539 |
Dec-15 | Westgate Water Colour | 1538 | |
Sep-15 | Footer | 1537 | |
Sep-15 | Winchester Heritage Open Day | 1536 | |
Sep-15 | Design Awards 2015 | 1535 | |
Sep-15 | Summer Walks | Paul Williams | 1534 |
Sep-15 | Visit to Spitalfields | Sue Owers | 1533 |
Sep-15 | Visit to Bletchley 25th June | Chris Higgins | 1532 |
Sep-15 | Beyond the City Boundary | Phil Yates | 1531 |
Sep-15 | Social Housing | Judith Martin | 1530 |
Sep-15 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1529 |
Sep-15 | Some thoughts on housing | Keith Leaman | 1528 |
Sep-15 | Winchester Housing | 1527 | |
Jun-15 | Footer | 1526 | |
Jun-15 | Organisation | 1525 | |
Jun-15 | Membership | 1524 | |
Jun-15 | Roger Brown, 30th August - 14th April 2015 | 1523 | |
Jun-15 | The Historic Towns Forum | 1522 | |
Jun-15 | The High Street of the 1930s | Phil Yates | 1521 |
Jun-15 | Summer Walks 2015 | 1520 | |
Jun-15 | Annual General Meeting | 1519 | |
Jun-15 | What does the future look like? | 1518 | |
Jun-15 | PLACE: Shaping for a better quality of life | Arthur Morgan | 1517 |
Jun-15 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1516 |
Jun-15 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1515 |
Jun-15 | Keith Kaines Butcher - High Street 1930s | 1514 | |
Mar-15 | Footer | 1513 | |
Mar-15 | Membership | 1512 | |
Mar-15 | Longford Castle | 1511 | |
Mar-15 | Design Awards 2015 | 1510 | |
Mar-15 | Morn Hill Camp | Tony Downland | 1509 |
Mar-15 | War Memorials & the centenary of the first World War | Sue Owers | 1508 |
Mar-15 | Future Outings | 1507 | |
Mar-15 | Summer Walks 2015 | 1506 | |
Mar-15 | Commerative Trees | Prue Skinner | 1505 |
Mar-15 | Silver Hill Summary | Keith Leaman | 1504 |
Mar-15 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1503 |
Mar-15 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1502 |
Mar-15 | Commerative trees at Barton Farm | 1501 | |
Dec-14 | Footer | 1456 | |
Dec-14 | Organisation | 1455 | |
Dec-14 | Christmas is coming | 1454 | |
Dec-14 | Membership | 1453 | |
Dec-14 | The Model of Victorian Winchester | Michael Carden | 1452 |
Dec-14 | The Status of heritage towns | Michael Carden | 1451 |
Dec-14 | Letter to the Editor | Alan Waters | 1450 |
Dec-14 | English Heritage New Model | 1449 | |
Dec-14 | Trust's Visit to Longford Castle | Susie & James Long | 1448 |
Dec-14 | A Survey of Trees with Plaques in Winchester | Margaret Barber | 1447 |
Dec-14 | Winchester Local Plan Presentation | 1446 | |
Dec-14 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1445 |
Dec-14 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1444 |
Dec-14 | Christmas Cards 2014 | 1443 | |
Sep-14 | Footer | Patrick Davies | 1442 |
Sep-14 | Is this Winchester? | 1441 | |
Sep-14 | Membership | 1440 | |
Sep-14 | Book prompts brewery tour | Phil Yates | 1439 |
Sep-14 | The St Catherine's Hill Mizmaze | Michael Carden | 1438 |
Sep-14 | Trust visit to Chichester | Nick McPherson | 1437 |
Sep-14 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1436 |
Sep-14 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1435 |
Sep-14 | Garden Picture | 1434 | |
Jun-14 | Footer | 1433 | |
Jun-14 | Open Gardens 2014 | 1432 | |
Jun-14 | Membership | 1431 | |
Jun-14 | Worthy Park House | 1430 | |
Jun-14 | Trust Visits | 1429 | |
Jun-14 | Summer Walks Programme 2014 | John Beveridge | 1428 |
Jun-14 | Summer Walks 2014 | John Beveridge | 1427 |
Jun-14 | Where next on the Local Plan for Winchester Town area? | Patrick Davies | 1426 |
Jun-14 | English Heritage New Model | Michael Carden | 1425 |
Jun-14 | Organisation | 1424 | |
Jun-14 | A contrast in histories: the Trust visit to Farnborough | Antony Proudman | 1423 |
Jun-14 | CWT and Civic Voice | 1422 | |
Jun-14 | A Winchester Street Scene? | Martin Biddle | 1421 |
Jun-14 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1420 |
Jun-14 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1419 |
Jun-14 | Is this Winchester? Picture | 1418 | |
Mar-14 | Footer | 1417 | |
Mar-14 | St Elizabeth's College | Dick Selwood | 1416 |
Mar-14 | All Hands to the Pump! | 1415 | |
Mar-14 | Work on the Heritage Centre | Mollie Francis | 1414 |
Mar-14 | Nicholas Bourne | Michael Carden | 1413 |
Mar-14 | Winchester Archaeology and Local History | 1412 | |
Mar-14 | Time Gentlemen Please! | 1411 | |
Mar-14 | Visit to Highgrove Garden | Penny Patton | 1410 |
Mar-14 | Forthcoming Visits | Iain Patton | 1409 |
Mar-14 | Open Gardens 2014 | 1408 | |
Mar-14 | Summer Walks Programme 2014 | John Beveridge | 1407 |
Mar-14 | Summer Walks 2014 | John Beveridge | 1406 |
Mar-14 | Fit for the future : deveolping the Trust's communications | 1405 | |
Mar-14 | Silverhill Exhibition | Michael Carden | 1404 |
Mar-14 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1403 |
Mar-14 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1402 |
Mar-14 | Winchester station area Picture | 1401 | |
Dec-13 | Footer | 1360 | |
Dec-13 | Winchester Old City Young Views book | 1359 | |
Dec-13 | Reception for new members | 1358 | |
Dec-13 | Membership | Richard Baker | 1357 |
Dec-13 | Foundations of St Cross | Dick Selwood | 1356 |
Dec-13 | Organisation | 1355 | |
Dec-13 | Trust Christmas Cards | 1354 | |
Sep-13 | City Council tour of recent developments | 1353 | |
Dec-13 | Visits planned for 2014 | Iain Patton | 1352 |
Dec-13 | Policy Group | Patric Davies | 1351 |
Dec-13 | Trust Design Awartds 2013 | 1350 | |
Dec-13 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1349 |
Dec-13 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1348 |
Dec-13 | Old City Young Views prizewinners Picture | 1347 | |
Sep-13 | Footer | 1346 | |
Sep-13 | Answer | 1345 | |
Sep-13 | City of Winchester Design Awards | 1344 | |
Sep-13 | Membership | 1343 | |
Sep-13 | Winchester Old City Young Views | Richard Baker | 1342 |
Sep-13 | Organisation | 1341 | |
Sep-13 | Summer Walks | John Beveridge | 1340 |
Sep-13 | Civic Voice Activities | John Beveridge | 1339 |
Sep-13 | Sir Colin Stansfield Smith | Michael Morris | 1338 |
Sep-13 | Reciprocal Visits | Iain Patton | 1337 |
Sep-13 | Barton Farm and the Station area | Michael Carden | 1336 |
Sep-13 | Local Listing | Judith Martin | 1335 |
Sep-13 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1334 |
Sep-13 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1333 |
Sep-13 | Essence of Winchester Picture | 1332 | |
Jun-13 | Footer | 1331 | |
Jun-13 | Membership | 1330 | |
Jun-13 | Time Gentlemen, Please third edition | 1329 | |
Jun-13 | Trust Design Awards 2013 | 1328 | |
Jun-13 | Summer Walks Programme 2013 | John Beveridge | 1327 |
Jun-13 | Organisation | 1326 | |
Jun-13 | Winchester Festival 2013 | 1325 | |
Jun-13 | Activities for members | Iain Patton | 1324 |
Jun-13 | Feedback from the 2020 Group | Michael Carden | 1323 |
Jun-13 | Civic Voice | John Beveridge | 1322 |
Jun-13 | Winchester Local Plan - What next? | Patrick Davies | 1321 |
Jun-13 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1320 |
Jun-13 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1319 |
Jun-13 | Painted Advertisment Picture | 1318 | |
Mar-13 | Footer | 1317 | |
Mar-13 | Useful Websites | 1316 | |
Mar-13 | Trust Members visits | Iain Patton | 1315 |
Mar-13 | Winchester Station Area: A Framework for the future | 1314 | |
Mar-13 | An Action Plan for the Station Area | David Aske | 1313 |
Mar-13 | Planning Reform - a meeting with Steve Brine | Michael Carden | 1312 |
Mar-13 | Winchester Local Plan | 1311 | |
Mar-13 | Schools illustrated poetry/prose Project | 1310 | |
Mar-13 | Civic Voice | 1309 | |
Mar-13 | Organisation | 1308 | |
Mar-13 | Membership | 1307 | |
Mar-13 | Summer Walks Programme 2013 | John Beveridge | 1306 |
Mar-13 | Trust Design Awards 2013 | 1305 | |
Mar-13 | Barton Farm - Update | Michael Carden | 1304 |
Mar-13 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1303 |
Mar-13 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1302 |
Mar-13 | Winchester station area Picture | 1301 | |
Dec-12 | Footer | 1265 | |
Dec-12 | Membership | 1264 | |
Dec-12 | Winchester Business Improvement District (BID) refuse collection project | 1263 | |
Dec-12 | Hyde: From Dissolution to Victorian Suburb, Book Review | Iain Patton | 1262 |
Dec-12 | Poetry | Keith Leaman | 1261 |
Dec-12 | Trust Christmas Cards | 1260 | |
Dec-12 | New footbridge & lifts at Winchester Railway Station | 1259 | |
Dec-12 | Civic Voice AGM | 1258 | |
Dec-12 | Barton Farm approved. What happens now? | 1257 | |
Dec-12 | The City Council's Local Plan - Update | Patrick Davies | 1256 |
Dec-12 | The Morgan Car Factory - part of our heritage | Keith Leaman | 1255 |
Dec-12 | Trust Visit to Malvern | Elizabeth Proudman | 1254 |
Dec-12 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1253 |
Dec-12 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1252 |
Dec-12 | Trust's Christmas Cards Picture | 1251 | |
Sep-12 | Email Address | 1250 | |
Sep-12 | City of Winchester part-time Secretary | 1249 | |
Sep-12 | Organisation | 1248 | |
Sep-12 | Trust Visit to Malvern | 1247 | |
Sep-12 | New Members | 1246 | |
Sep-12 | Open Gardens 2012 | Iain Patton | 1245 |
Sep-12 | Greener Travel Gathering - WinACC | 1244 | |
Sep-12 | Are you up for the challenge? | 1243 | |
Sep-12 | Trust Visit to Portsmouth:16th July 2012 | 1242 | |
Sep-12 | The Winchester Studies | Jock Macdonald M A Vice Chairman Winchester Excavations | 1241 |
Sep-12 | Trust's new President | 1240 | |
Sep-12 | Robin Beckford Merton | 1239 | |
Sep-12 | Planning Winchester's future - Where are we now? | 1238 | |
Sep-12 | News from Civic Voice | 1237 | |
Sep-12 | Planning Appraisal Group | John Beveridge | 1236 |
Sep-12 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1235 |
Sep-12 | Trust Visit to Portsmouth Picture | 1234 | |
Jun-12 | Portsmouth Visit | 1233 | |
Jun-12 | Malvern Visit | 1232 | |
Jun-12 | Open Gardens 2012 | 1231 | |
Jun-12 | Useful Websites | 1230 | |
Jun-12 | New Members | 1229 | |
Jun-12 | Winchester College Water Gardens | 1228 | |
Jun-12 | Organisation | 1227 | |
Jun-12 | Summer Walks 2012 | John Beveridge | 1226 |
Jun-12 | Visits for Trust Members | 1225 | |
Jun-12 | The Vision for Winchester Town | 1224 | |
Jun-12 | Visit to Guildford 17th April 2012 | Peter Eagling | 1223 |
Jun-12 | The Black Swan | Keith Leaman | 1222 |
Jun-12 | Hockley Viaduct | 1221 | |
Jun-12 | Bushfield Down | 1220 | |
Jun-12 | Civic Pride Survey | John Beveridge | 1219 |
Jun-12 | Planning Appraisal Group | 1218 | |
Jun-12 | Chairman's Jottings | Keith Leaman | 1217 |
Jun-12 | Hockley Viaduct Picture | 1216 | |
Mar-12 | Organisation | 1215 | |
Mar-12 | Winchester Market | 1214 | |
Mar-12 | Winter Talks | 1213 | |
Mar-12 | Summer Walks 2012 | John Beveridge | 1212 |
Mar-12 | Open Gardens 2012-Sundays, 17th & 24th June | Penny Patton | 1211 |
Mar-12 | New Members | Judith Rich O.B.E. | 1210 |
Mar-12 | Programme of Vists | 1209 | |
Mar-12 | Winchester and its Setting | 1208 | |
Mar-12 | The future of Bushfield Down | Patrick Davies | 1207 |
Mar-12 | Partnership with WinACC on Home Energy Project | 1206 | |
Mar-12 | Georgian Architecture in British Isles 1714-1830 | 1205 | |
Mar-12 | Sixty trees for the Diamond Jubilee | 1204 | |
Mar-12 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1203 |
Mar-12 | Chairman's Miscellany | Keith Leaman | 1202 |
Mar-12 | Garrison Mews Picture | 1201 | |
Dec-11 | Email Address | 1157 | |
Dec-11 | Christmas Cards | 1156 | |
Dec-11 | Organisation | 1155 | |
Dec-11 | Civic Voice AGM Sheffield Oct 20th | 1154 | |
Dec-11 | Programme of Visits for 2012 | 1153 | |
Dec-11 | Visit to Energy Recovery Facility - Marchwood | Andrew Scott | 1152 |
Dec-11 | Consultation on National Planning Policy Framework | John Beveridge | 1151 |
Dec-11 | Current Planning Issues | Patrick Davies, Chair, Policy Group | 1150 |
Dec-11 | Winter Talks - Minding your business | 1149 | |
Dec-11 | Partnership Projects - 2020 Group | Michael Carden | 1148 |
Dec-11 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1147 |
Dec-11 | Chairman's Miscellany | Keith Leaman | 1146 |
Dec-11 | Have Aliens Landed Photo | 1145 | |
Sep-11 | Clearly Obscure' - Talk by Tracey Sheppard FGE | 1144 | |
Sep-11 | Wanted! | 1143 | |
Sep-11 | Too much paper Computer Literate | 1142 | |
Sep-11 | King James Bible Quartercentennial Exhibition | 1141 | |
Sep-11 | Organisation | 1140 | |
Sep-11 | Useful websites: | 1139 | |
Sep-11 | New Members | 1138 | |
Sep-11 | Cluttering up our streets | 1137 | |
Sep-11 | Recycling and Energy Recovery | 1136 | |
Sep-11 | Summer Evening Walks Programme 2011 | John Beveridge | 1135 |
Sep-11 | Saving Historic Buildings | Michael Carden | 1134 |
Sep-11 | Place to Place | Gill Collymore | 1133 |
Sep-11 | Finding the Heart of the City | Sharon Watson | 1132 |
Sep-11 | Planning Winchester's Future | Patrick Davies | 1131 |
Sep-11 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1130 |
Sep-11 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 1129 |
Sep-11 | Grove Place Photo | 1128 | |
Jun-11 | From Place to Place Application Form | 1127 | |
Jun-11 | Brass in the Garden | 1126 | |
Jun-11 | King James Bible Exhibition at Winchester College | 1125 | |
Jun-11 | Trust Visit | Keith Leaman | 1124 |
Jun-11 | Organisation | 1123 | |
Jun-11 | Summer Evening Walks 2011 | John Beveridge | 1122 |
Jun-11 | Blueprint Briefing - Interim update, May 2011 | Michael Carden | 1121 |
Jun-11 | Andover's answer to BedZed | Judith Martin | 1120 |
Jun-11 | Annual Subscriptions | 1119 | |
Jun-11 | From Place to Place | Antony Proudman | 1118 |
Jun-11 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1117 |
Jun-11 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 1116 |
Jun-11 | Barton Farm Photo | 1115 | |
Mar-11 | New Members | 1114 | |
Mar-11 | What a load of Rubbish | 1113 | |
Mar-11 | Useful Websites | 1112 | |
Mar-11 | Organisation | 1111 | |
Mar-11 | We must save this model! | 1110 | |
Mar-11 | Events 2011 | 1109 | |
Mar-11 | Summer Evening Walks 2011 | John Beveridge | 1108 |
Mar-11 | The Square | 1107 | |
Mar-11 | Itchen Navigation Project | Mary Parker | 1106 |
Mar-11 | Heart of the City Awards! | 1105 | |
Mar-11 | Barton Farm Public Inquiry | 1104 | |
Mar-11 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1103 |
Mar-11 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 1102 |
Mar-11 | Heart of the City Advertisnment | 1101 | |
Dec-10 | Trust's Christmas Cards | 1061 | |
Dec-10 | Winter Talks | 1060 | |
Dec-10 | New Members | 1059 | |
Dec-10 | Email Address | 1058 | |
Dec-10 | Wanted ! | 1057 | |
Dec-10 | Organisation | 1056 | |
Dec-10 | Look Up! Winchester | 1055 | |
Dec-10 | First AGM of Civic Voice | John Beveridge | 1054 |
Dec-10 | Review of the 2010 Summer Walks Programme | John Beveridge | 1053 |
Dec-10 | Phil Yates | 1052 | |
Dec-10 | The Corner Shop | Phil Yates | 1051 |
Dec-10 | City of Winchester Trust Design Awards 2010 | Chris Higgins | 1050 |
Dec-10 | Winchester Town Access Plan | 1049 | |
Dec-10 | Blueprint | 1048 | |
Dec-10 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1047 |
Dec-10 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 1046 |
Dec-10 | Picture of Advert for Design Awards | 1045 | |
Sep-10 | Open Gardens Day on 20th June | John Pilkington | 1044 |
Sep-10 | Southern Comfort | Michael Carden | 1043 |
Sep-10 | City of Winchester Trust Design Awards 2010 | Chris Higgins | 1042 |
Sep-10 | Winchester 2020 | Michael Carden | 1041 |
Sep-10 | Summer/Autumn Walks 2010 | 1040 | |
Sep-10 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1039 |
Sep-10 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 1038 |
Sep-10 | Picture View of Winchester Cathedral | 1037 | |
Jun-10 | BOOK SALE | 1036 | |
Jun-10 | WANTED ! | 1035 | |
Jun-10 | Too much paper Computer literate | 1034 | |
Jun-10 | Membership Renewals | 1033 | |
Jun-10 | Annual General Meeting | 1032 | |
Jun-10 | New Members | 1031 | |
Jun-10 | Trust Open Gardens Day 20th June | 1030 | |
Jun-10 | Organisation | 1029 | |
Jun-10 | Rubbish Bins | 1028 | |
Jun-10 | New Street Lighting for Winchester | 1027 | |
Jun-10 | Images from the Archives | 1026 | |
Jun-10 | Summer Walks 10 | 1025 | |
Jun-10 | Planning Bureaucracy | 1024 | |
Jun-10 | Civic Voice | 1023 | |
Jun-10 | The Hon Sir Peter Ramsbotham GCMG GCVO DL | 1022 | |
Jun-10 | 24 Hours to Save Winchester | Michael Carden | 1021 |
Jun-10 | The City of Winchester Trust Awards | 1020 | |
Jun-10 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1019 |
Jun-10 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 1018 |
Jun-10 | Picture View from St Giles Hill | 1017 | |
Mar-10 | New Members | 1016 | |
Mar-10 | Chippindale Venture A Unique Environmental Education Project | Peter Rees | 1015 |
Mar-10 | Trust Open Gardens Day, Sunday 20th June | 1014 | |
Mar-10 | Civic Voice replaces Civic Trust | Michael Carden | 1013 |
Mar-10 | Book Review Professor Sir Colin Stansfield-Smith | 1012 | |
Mar-10 | Winter Talks 2010 | 1011 | |
Mar-10 | Summer Walks 2010 | 1010 | |
Mar-10 | What now for Silver Hill | Patrick Davies | 1009 |
Mar-10 | Where has our pride gone | 1008 | |
Mar-10 | Hyde 900 | 1007 | |
Mar-10 | West Hill Cemetery | Robin Merton | 1006 |
Mar-10 | Barton Farm Development | Shione Carden | 1005 |
Mar-10 | Obituary Gill Graham | 1004 | |
Mar-10 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 1003 |
Mar-10 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 1002 |
Mar-10 | Picture The Chippindale Venture 1988 | 1001 | |
Dec-09 | New Members | 0963 | |
Dec-09 | Organisation | 0962 | |
Dec-09 | Andrew Rutter s Winchester - Heart of a City | Keith Leaman | 0961 |
Dec-09 | Trust Website | 0960 | |
Dec-09 | Building a low carbon Winchester | Robert Hutchinson | 0959 |
Dec-09 | Open Gardens 2010 | 0958 | |
Dec-09 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0957 |
Dec-09 | Book Review - Living Buildings. Architectural Conservation | Andrew Rutter | 0956 |
Dec-09 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 0955 |
Dec-09 | Picture Chair Iain Patton & President Christopher Clark QC | 0954 | |
Aug-09 | Subscriptions | 0953 | |
Aug-09 | WANTED! | 0952 | |
Aug-09 | Too much Paper Silver Surfer Computer literate | 0951 | |
Aug-09 | Website | 0950 | |
Aug-09 | New Members | 0949 | |
Aug-09 | Jargon Buster | 0948 | |
Aug-09 | Electronic Mail | 0947 | |
Aug-09 | St Faith's Parish Graveyard | John Pringle | 0946 |
Aug-09 | The Civic Trust is dead; long live a civic trust | 0945 | |
Aug-09 | Letter to the Editor | Chris Webb | 0944 |
Aug-09 | Letter to the Editor | J.W. Forster | 0943 |
Aug-09 | Repaving of Winchester High Street | 0942 | |
Aug-09 | Winchester Walks and Winter Talks | 0941 | |
Aug-09 | Trustees 2008/9 | 0940 | |
Aug-09 | Winchester, Heart of a City by Andrew Rutter | Keith Leaman RIBA Editor | 0939 |
Aug-09 | Trust Outing to Roche Court and Farley | J.W. Forster | 0938 |
Aug-09 | Did You Know | 0937 | |
Aug-09 | Planning Updates | 0936 | |
Aug-09 | Trust People - Barrie Brinkman, Master of Website | 0935 | |
Aug-09 | AGM Speaker | 0934 | |
Aug-09 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0933 |
Aug-09 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 0932 |
Aug-09 | Picture of Winchester High Street | 0931 | |
Jun-09 | Website | 0930 | |
Jun-09 | Electronic Mail | 0929 | |
Jun-09 | New Members | 0928 | |
Jun-09 | The Pump House, Garnier Road | 0927 | |
Jun-09 | Summer Evening Walks 2009 | 0926 | |
Jun-09 | Winchester College Development | 0925 | |
Jun-09 | Learning from Brighton | 0924 | |
Jun-09 | Trustees 2008/9 | 0923 | |
Jun-09 | Bookbinding | 0922 | |
Jun-09 | The Civic Trust | 0921 | |
Jun-09 | Letter re Barton Farm and Bushfield Camp | 0920 | |
Jun-09 | Obituary Jeffrey Smith | 0919 | |
Jun-09 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0918 |
Jun-09 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 0917 |
Jun-09 | Picture of Barton Farm | 0916 | |
Mar-09 | Receive TrustNews by Email | 0915 | |
Mar-09 | Winter Talks Uncovering & Presenting Win s Past | 0914 | |
Mar-09 | Something to look forward to | 0913 | |
Mar-09 | Alternative Energy Sources | 0912 | |
Mar-09 | Christmas Card - Report | 0911 | |
Mar-09 | Interesting Photos | 0910 | |
Mar-09 | Trustees 2008/9 | 0909 | |
Mar-09 | 20 s Plenty for 2009 | 0908 | |
Mar-09 | Trust People - Nick Hirst, keeper of Trust Archives | 0907 | |
Mar-09 | Summer Evening Walks 2009 | 0906 | |
Mar-09 | Winchester: Heart of a City | 0905 | |
Mar-09 | David Seton Middleditch | 0904 | |
Mar-09 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0903 |
Mar-09 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 0902 |
Mar-09 | Picture of Bushfield Down | 0901 | |
Dec-08 | Where am I Answers | 0849 | |
Dec-08 | Winchester Action on Climate Change (WinACC) | 0848 | |
Dec-08 | For Your Diary | 0847 | |
Dec-08 | New Members | 0846 | |
Dec-08 | Where am I | 0845 | |
Dec-08 | Trustees 2007/8 | 0844 | |
Dec-08 | Auction of 2 VIP tours to Highgrove Gardens | 0843 | |
Dec-08 | Summer Walks 2008 - Review | Chris Pile | 0842 |
Dec-08 | Living Buildings | Donald Insall | 0841 |
Dec-08 | Traffic and transport | 0840 | |
Dec-08 | Visit Poundbury | Anthony Proudman | 0839 |
Dec-08 | Trust People - Dr Vicky Feldwick | 0838 | |
Dec-08 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0837 |
Dec-08 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 0836 |
Dec-08 | Title Picture Hyde Abbey Gate | 0835 | |
Sep-08 | Electronic Mail | 0834 | |
Sep-08 | Events 2008 | 0833 | |
Sep-08 | New Members | 0832 | |
Sep-08 | Trusteees 2007/8 | 0831 | |
Sep-08 | The Trust and major issues affecting the City | Michael Carden | 0830 |
Sep-08 | Annual General Meeting 2008 | 0829 | |
Sep-08 | Trust and Climate Change | 0828 | |
Sep-08 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0827 |
Sep-08 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 0826 |
Sep-08 | Title Picture from Cathedral Tower | 0825 | |
Jun-08 | Visit to Poundbury | 0824 | |
Jun-08 | Subscriptions | 0823 | |
Jun-08 | Winter Talks Review | Chris Pile | 0822 |
Jun-08 | Trustees 2007/8 | 0821 | |
Jun-08 | Summer Walks 2008 | 0820 | |
Jun-08 | Ashburton Court | David Marklew | 0819 |
Jun-08 | ROMANCE in the Upper HIgh Street | 0818 | |
Jun-08 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0817 |
Jun-08 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 0816 |
Mar-08 | New Members | 0815 | |
Mar-08 | The Soke | 0814 | |
Mar-08 | Electronic Mail | 0813 | |
Mar-08 | Trustees 2007/8 | 0812 | |
Mar-08 | A success story | Phil Yates | 0811 |
Mar-08 | Hockley Viaduct | Julia Sandison | 0810 |
Mar-08 | Winchester calling | David Marklew | 0809 |
Mar-08 | Talks and Walks | Chris Pile | 0808 |
Mar-08 | Not Wasted! | 0807 | |
Mar-08 | Summer Walks 2007 - Review | Chris Pile | 0806 |
Mar-08 | A cultural seascape on the World Heritage list | Celia Clark | 0805 |
Mar-08 | Policy Group Report | Patrick Davies | 0804 |
Mar-08 | Memories of Patricia Edwards | 0803 | |
Mar-08 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0802 |
Mar-08 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 0801 |
Dec-07 | Wanted! | 0746 | |
Dec-07 | New Members | 0745 | |
Dec-07 | Vist Our Website | 0744 | |
Dec-07 | Christmas Closure | 0743 | |
Dec-07 | Trust Christmas Cards | 0742 | |
Dec-07 | Trustees 2007/8 | 0741 | |
Dec-07 | Winter Talks 2008 | 0740 | |
Dec-07 | Traffic Matters | David Marklew | 0739 |
Dec-07 | Design Awards 2007 | 0738 | |
Dec-07 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0737 |
Dec-07 | Chairman's Miscellany | Iain Patton | 0736 |
Sep-07 | New Members | 0735 | |
Sep-07 | Oxford Visit | 0734 | |
Sep-07 | Annual General Meeting | 0733 | |
Sep-07 | WANTED! | 0732 | |
Sep-07 | Winchester A Fine City | Jeffrey Smith FRICS | 0731 |
Sep-07 | Winchester Excavations and Winchester Studies | Martin Biddle | 0730 |
Sep-07 | Motorway Madness | David Marklew | 0729 |
Sep-07 | Winchester's Street Scene | Robin Merton | 0728 |
Sep-07 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0727 |
Sep-07 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0726 |
Jun-07 | Dates for your diary | 0725 | |
Jun-07 | New Members | 0724 | |
Jun-07 | Time Gentlemen Please! | 0723 | |
Jun-07 | A timely reminder | 0722 | |
Jun-07 | Hyde Abbey Gardens | 0721 | |
Jun-07 | 50th Anniversary Reception | 0720 | |
Jun-07 | Summer Walks 2007 | 0719 | |
Jun-07 | "A tremendous and irreplaceable asset" | Michael Carden MBE | 0718 |
Jun-07 | Planning Appraisal Review | David Marklew | 0717 |
Jun-07 | Blurred Vision | Harvey Cole | 0716 |
Jun-07 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0715 |
Jun-07 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0714 |
Mar-07 | Dates for Your Diary | 0713 | |
Mar-07 | Hockley Viaduct | 0712 | |
Mar-07 | Electronic Email | 0711 | |
Mar-07 | New Members | 0710 | |
Mar-07 | A Home for King Alfred Buses | 0709 | |
Mar-07 | The Black Swan - A story of our time | Chris Webb | 0708 |
Mar-07 | Snapshots of Winchester | 0707 | |
Mar-07 | City of Winchester Trust Design Awards | Norman Roberts | 0706 |
Mar-07 | The English Centre at Winchester | Prof Christopher Mulvey | 0705 |
Mar-07 | How free are planning councillors | Harvey Cole Patrick Davis | 0704 |
Mar-07 | A Winchester treasure: Warden White's ceiling | Robin Merton | 0703 |
Mar-07 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0702 |
Mar-07 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0701 |
Dec-06 | Thoughts from a new Trustee | David Marklew | 0626 |
Dec-06 | Silver Hill and Northington | David Brock | 0625 |
Dec-06 | Southern Comfort | 0624 | |
Dec-06 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0623 |
Dec-06 | The Trust's 50th Birthday | Iain Patton | 0622 |
Dec-06 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0621 |
Sep-06 | Reinstatement at Last | 0620 | |
Sep-06 | Lack of Civic Pride | Chris Webb | 0619 |
Sep-06 | Publications | Nick McPherson | 0618 |
Sep-06 | Diary Dates | 0617 | |
Sep-06 | Electronic Mail | 0616 | |
Sep-06 | Summer Walks 2006 | 0615 | |
Sep-06 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0614 |
Sep-06 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0613 |
Jun-06 | Civic Trust | 0612 | |
Jun-06 | Cittaslow | Kate Macintosh | 0611 |
Jun-06 | Silver Hill Renaissance | Keith Leaman | 0610 |
Jun-06 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0609 |
Jun-06 | Apologies | 0608 | |
Jun-06 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0607 |
Mar-06 | Gorilla on the Lipstick 1 | Huw Thomas | 0606 |
Mar-06 | New Library and Cultural Centre | Desmond Clarke | 0605 |
Mar-06 | Winchester City Guides | Elizabeth Proudman | 0604 |
Mar-06 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0603 |
Mar-06 | Winchester Local Plan Review | 0602 | |
Mar-06 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0601 |
Dec-05 | The Chesil Rectory | 0530 | |
Dec-05 | To the Pullers-down | 0529 | |
Dec-05 | Sumer Walks 2005 | Nick McPherson | 0528 |
Dec-05 | Bushfield Down | Robin Merton | 0527 |
Dec-05 | Transportation and the historic public realm | Iain Patton | 0526 |
Dec-05 | After Ludlow | Judith Martin | 0525 |
Dec-05 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0524 |
Dec-05 | Streets Ahead | Ben Hamilton-Baillie | 0523 |
Dec-05 | Website up and running | Antony Skinner | 0522 |
Dec-05 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0521 |
Sep-05 | Lipstick on the Gorilla 5 | Huw Thomas | 0520 |
Sep-05 | Cittaslow update | Kate Macintosh | 0519 |
Sep-05 | The Late Mrs Barbara Thackeray | 0518 | |
Sep-05 | Photos of Winchester 1977-2000 | Gill Rushton | 0517 |
Sep-05 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0516 |
Sep-05 | South East Plan: Housing | 0515 | |
Sep-05 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0514 |
Jun-05 | Home for Roger Brown's Model | 0513 | |
Jun-05 | Preservation of Treed Areas | Antony Skinner | 0512 |
Jun-05 | Impact of University on Winchester | Chris Higgins | 0511 |
Jun-05 | Work for good design in the City | 0510 | |
Jun-05 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0509 |
Jun-05 | Coming Events | 0508 | |
Jun-05 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0507 |
Feb-05 | Design Awards | Sally Patience | 0506 |
Feb-05 | Consultation on the South East Plan | Harvey Cole | 0505 |
Feb-05 | The Winchester Studies | Chris Webb | 0504 |
Feb-05 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0503 |
Feb-05 | City's Vision for Winchester | Antony Proudman | 0502 |
Feb-05 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0501 |
Dec-04 | New Wine in Old Bottles | 0425 | |
Dec-04 | Images of England | David Marklew | 0424 |
Dec-04 | Winchester :Small and Dynamic | Antony Proudman | 0423 |
Dec-04 | Summer 2004 Walks | Nick McPherson | 0422 |
Dec-04 | Planning Appraisal Group | Shione Carden | 0421 |
Dec-04 | Cittaslow | Judith Martin | 0420 |
Dec-04 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0419 |
Sep-04 | Lipstick on the Gorilla 3 | Huw Thomas | 0418 |
Sep-04 | Time for Building Conservation Legislation | Michael Carden | 0417 |
Sep-04 | Why we need a vision for Winchester | 0416 | |
Sep-04 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0415 |
Jun-04 | The Roger Brown Model | Huw Thomas | 0414 |
Jun-04 | Lipstick on the Gorilla 2 | Huw Thomas | 0413 |
Jun-04 | Discover St. Peter's Chesil | 0412 | |
Jun-04 | The Design Debate | 0411 | |
Jun-04 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0410 |
Jun-04 | Street Scene | Iain Patton | 0409 |
Jun-04 | Chairman's Miscellany | Patricia Edwards | 0408 |
Mar-04 | Lipstick on the Gorilla | Huw Thomas | 0407 |
Mar-04 | Winchester Neighbourhood Studies | 0406 | |
Mar-04 | Police HQ, Romsey Rd The Last Chance | 0405 | |
Mar-04 | Street Scene | Iain Patton | 0404 |
Mar-04 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0403 |
Mar-04 | Winchester's Finest | C.J.Webb | 0402 |
Mar-04 | from the Chairman | Roger Backhouse | 0401 |
Dec-03 | Solent Architecture Centre | Michael Carden | 0324 |
Dec-03 | Tree Planting | 0323 | |
Dec-03 | Award Scheme | 0322 | |
Dec-03 | Planning in Winchester | Patricia Edwards | 0321 |
Dec-03 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0320 |
Dec-03 | Annual General Meeting | Sally Patience | 0319 |
Sep-03 | A cry against reactionary and negative | Ray Attfield | 0318 |
Sep-03 | Some Facts of Planning | John Hearn | 0317 |
Sep-03 | Oram's Arbour Play Area | Robin Merton | 0316 |
Sep-03 | Visit from Chichester | Robin Merton | 0315 |
Sep-03 | Chairman's News | Roger Backhouse | 0314 |
Sep-03 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0313 |
Jun-03 | Broadway Friarsgate Planning Brief | 0312 | |
Jun-03 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0311 |
Jun-03 | Chairman's News | Roger Backhouse | 0310 |
Mar-03 | The CWT Website | Antony Skinner | 0309 |
Mar-03 | Hyde Abbey Garden | Barbara Hall | 0308 |
Mar-03 | Proposed Road Improvements | 0307 | |
Mar-03 | Michael Carden | Robin Merton | 0306 |
Mar-03 | Ian Grant | Robin Merton | 0305 |
Mar-03 | PPG3 Executive Summary | 0304 | |
Mar-03 | Other Dates to note | 0303 | |
Mar-03 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0302 |
Mar-03 | Chairman's News | Roger Backhouse | 0301 |
Dec-02 | PPG3 | Antony Proudman | 0226 |
Dec-02 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0225 |
Dec-02 | Responses to TrustNews | 0224 | |
Dec-02 | The Charm of Winchester | Michael Carden | 0223 |
Dec-02 | West Hill Cemetery | Robin Merton | 0222 |
Dec-02 | Redevelopment in Winchester | 0221 | |
Sep-02 | Code of Conduct | 0220 | |
Sep-02 | Memorandum | 0219 | |
Sep-02 | Chairman's News | Roger Backhouse | 0218 |
Sep-02 | Development control | Shione Carden | 0217 |
May-02 | The Art of Architects and Friends | 0216 | |
May-02 | What future for Art | 0215 | |
May-02 | Robin Merton | 0214 | |
May-02 | Roger Brown's Model | 0213 | |
May-02 | Garden for Hyde Abbey | 0212 | |
May-02 | Help! | 0211 | |
May-02 | Gift Aid | 0210 | |
May-02 | Chairmans Report | Roger Backhouse | 0209 |
May-02 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0208 |
Feb-02 | TrustNews | 0207 | |
Feb-02 | Friarsgate Development | 0206 | |
Feb-02 | Letter From Robin Merton | Robin Merton | 0205 |
Feb-02 | Winchester District Local Plan | Antony Skinner | 0204 |
Feb-02 | Policy Group | Antony Proudman | 0203 |
Feb-02 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 0202 |
Feb-02 | Chairman's Statement | Roger Backhouse | 0201 |
Sum-01 | Information required | 0134 | |
Sum-01 | Wanted | 0133 | |
Sum-01 | Membership | 0132 | |
Sum-01 | The Trust AGM and David Mackay | 0131 | |
Sum-01 | Diary Dates | 0130 | |
Sum-01 | 83/84 High Street/Staple Gardens | 0129 | |
Sum-01 | Tony Hunter | 0128 | |
Sum-01 | Winchester's Historic Ironwork | 0127 | |
Sum-01 | Newsletter | 0126 | |
Sum-01 | The Hampshire Gardens Trust | Roger Brown | 0125 |
Sum-01 | Organisation | 0124 | |
Sum-01 | Publicity News | 0123 | |
Sum-01 | Trust's Strategic Vision | 0122 | |
Sum-01 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 0121 |
Sum-01 | Chairman's Message | R.B.Merton | 0120 |
Sum-01 | Title Picture | 0119 | |
Spg-01 | Information required | 0118 | |
Spg-01 | Book Sale | 0117 | |
Spg-01 | Vision Paper | R.B.Merton | 0116 |
Spg-01 | Membership | 0115 | |
Spg-01 | The Trust s new policy | Antony Proudman | 0114 |
Spg-01 | We have a new name! | 0113 | |
Spg-01 | Europa Nostra Medal of Honour | 0112 | |
Spg-01 | New Publications | 0111 | |
Spg-01 | Return of the Summer Walks | 0110 | |
Spg-01 | Policy Group | 0109 | |
Spg-01 | Chippindale Venture | 0108 | |
Spg-01 | Organisation | 0107 | |
Spg-01 | The Story of an Old Courthouse - Down Under | Allan Cook | 0106 |
Spg-01 | Members contributions | 0105 | |
Spg-01 | Design Awards 2000 | 0104 | |
Spg-01 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 0103 |
Spg-01 | Chairman's Message | R.B.Merton | 0102 |
Spg-01 | Title Picture | 0101 | |
Sum-00 | 'The Future of Winchester Study' | 0031 | |
Sum-00 | Book Sale | 0030 | |
Sum-00 | Membership | 0029 | |
Sum-00 | Diary Dates | 0028 | |
Sum-00 | Summer Walks 2000 | 0027 | |
Sum-00 | Architecture week 9 - 18 June 2000 | 0026 | |
Sum-00 | Organisation | 0025 | |
Sum-00 | John Gummer MP | 0024 | |
Sum-00 | PPG3 on Housing; will it make a difference | Kate Macintosh | 0023 |
Sum-00 | Millennium Tree Planting | Gillian Bauer | 0022 |
Sum-00 | Chippindale Venture | Keith Leaman | 0021 |
Sum-00 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 0020 |
Sum-00 | Chairman's Message | R.B.Merton | 0019 |
Sum-00 | Title Picture | 0018 | |
Spg-00 | Membership | 0017 | |
Spg-00 | Diary Dates | 0016 | |
Spg-00 | Archive | R. Kinnard Smith | 0015 |
Spg-00 | Thoughts of an Onlooker - Hyde Abbey 1995 99 | Barbara Hall | 0014 |
Spg-00 | Summer Walks 2000 | 0013 | |
Spg-00 | Conservation Award | 0012 | |
Spg-00 | Looking at Townscape | 0011 | |
Spg-00 | The WPT, the Civic Trust and Southern Comfort | Antony Skinner | 0010 |
Spg-00 | Organisation | 0009 | |
Spg-00 | Design Awards 2000 | 0008 | |
Spg-00 | Letter from The Rt. Hon John Gummer MP | 0007 | |
Spg-00 | Letter from Lord Rogers | 0006 | |
Spg-00 | Lord Rogers and John Gummer MP endorse Trust policy | 0005 | |
Spg-00 | Winchester Preservation Trust AGM | Robin Nicholson CBE RIBA | 0004 |
Spg-00 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 0003 |
Spg-00 | Chairman's Message | R.B.Merton | 0002 |
Spg-00 | Title Picture | 0001 | |
Sum-99 | Membership | Rolly Thomas | 9930 |
Sum-99 | Diary Dates | Nick McPherson | 9929 |
Sum-99 | New Publications | 9928 | |
Sum-99 | A letter from a concerned Canon Street resident | Robert Dick-Read | 9927 |
Sum-99 | Butterfly Conservation | 9926 | |
Sum-99 | Obituary - Margaret Salmon 1909 - 1999 | A.C.C. | 9925 |
Sum-99 | Summer Walks 1999 | 9924 | |
Sum-99 | Richard Rogers | 9923 | |
Sum-99 | Organisation | 9922 | |
Sum-99 | City or Suburbs That is the Question | Ray Attfield | 9921 |
Sum-99 | The 'Winchester Project' at King Alfred College | 9920 | |
Sum-99 | Chippindale Venture and Workshop Programme | 9919 | |
Sum-99 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 9918 |
Sum-99 | Chairman's Message | R.B.Merton | 9917 |
Sum-99 | Title Picture | 9916 | |
Spg-99 | Membership | Rolly Thomas | 9915 |
Spg-99 | Diary Dates | 9914 | |
Spg-99 | Obituary - Lieut-Colonel George Parry Burnett 1921-1998 | 9913 | |
Spg-99 | Summer Walks 1998 | 9912 | |
Spg-99 | New Publications | 9911 | |
Spg-99 | Summer Walks 1999 | Nick McPherson | 9910 |
Spg-99 | Prowling around Winchester | Miss Winifred Powley | 9909 |
Spg-99 | Organisation | 9908 | |
Spg-99 | Parthenon in a Puddle | 9907 | |
Spg-99 | Public Art in Winchester | Keith Walker | 9906 |
Spg-99 | Neighbourhood Studies | Antony Feltham-King | 9905 |
Spg-99 | The Chippindale Venture and Workshop Programme | Keith Leaman | 9904 |
Spg-99 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 9903 |
Spg-99 | Chairman's Message | R.B.Merton | 9902 |
Spg-99 | Title Picture | 9901 | |
Sum-98 | Comments on Spring Newsletter Designs Awards 1997 | Patrick Maclure | 9826 |
Sum-98 | Membership | Rolly Thomas | 9825 |
Sum-98 | Book Sale | Jo Gordon-Watson | 9824 |
Sum-98 | The Hampshire Chronicle Project | 9823 | |
Sum-98 | Diary Dates | 9822 | |
Sum-98 | Organisation | 9821 | |
Sum-98 | Andrew Rutter's Retirement | Michael Carden | 9820 |
Sum-98 | Chippindale Venture | Phil Turner | 9819 |
Sum-98 | Interview Steven Bee, Chief Planning Officer Winchester | Ray Attfield | 9818 |
Sum-98 | Archives | Rosemary Kinnaird Smith | 9817 |
Sum-98 | Neighbourhood Studies | Antony Feltham-King RIBA | 9816 |
Sum-98 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 9815 |
Sum-98 | Chairman's Message | R.B.Merton | 9814 |
Sum-98 | Title Picture | 9813 | |
Spg-98 | Membership, Subscriptions and Donations | 9812 | |
Spg-98 | Summer Walks | 9811 | |
Spg-98 | Book Sale | 9810 | |
Spg-98 | Robin Merton, New Chairman | 9809 | |
Spg-98 | Organisation | 9808 | |
Spg-98 | Comments on Design Awards 1997 | Andrew Rutter | 9807 |
Spg-98 | Design Awards 1997 | 9806 | |
Spg-98 | Chernocke Place and Winchester's Pioneer Motorist | Chris Webb | 9805 |
Spg-98 | Urban Studies - Chippindale Venture 1998 | K. Leaman A.Feltham-King | 9804 |
Spg-98 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 9803 |
Spg-98 | Chairman's Message | R.B.Merton | 9802 |
Spg-98 | Title Picture | 9801 | |
Sum-97 | Diary Dates | 9730 | |
Sum-97 | Annual General Meeting | 9729 | |
Sum-97 | Subscriptions | 9728 | |
Sum-97 | Membership | 9727 | |
Sum-97 | Memoirs of a Winchester Working Man | Michael Carden | 9726 |
Sum-97 | Summer Walks 1997 | 9725 | |
Sum-97 | Organisation | 9724 | |
Sum-97 | Another Time, Another Place | Sara Dick-Read | 9723 |
Sum-97 | Trust Member's Choice | 9722 | |
Sum-97 | The Chippindale Venture | Keith Leaman | 9721 |
Sum-97 | The Heritage Centre | Chris Webb | 9720 |
Sum-97 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 9719 |
Sum-97 | Chairman's Message | Antony Skinner | 9718 |
Sum-97 | Title Picture | 9717 | |
Spg-97 | RIBA Lectures | 9716 | |
Spg-97 | Diary | 9715 | |
Spg-97 | Organisation | 9714 | |
Spg-97 | 1997 Design Awards | 9713 | |
Spg-97 | Subscriptions | 9712 | |
Spg-97 | Membership | 9711 | |
Spg-97 | St Agatha's Church, Portsmouth | 9710 | |
Spg-97 | Trust Member's Choice | 9709 | |
Spg-97 | ....An Eye on the City | 9708 | |
Spg-97 | Barbara Carpenter Turner | Michael Carden | 9707 |
Spg-97 | Archives | Rosemary Kinnaird Smith | 9706 |
Spg-97 | The Chippindale Venture | Keith Leaman | 9705 |
Spg-97 | Report from the Heritage Centre | Chris Webb | 9704 |
Spg-97 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 9703 |
Spg-97 | Chairman's Message | Antony Skinner | 9702 |
Spg-97 | Title Picture | 9701 | |
Sum-96 | Diary Dates | 9638 | |
Sum-96 | Subscriptions | 9637 | |
Sum-96 | Newsletter Deliverers | 9636 | |
Sum-96 | Membership | 9635 | |
Sum-96 | Summer Walks 1996 | 9634 | |
Sum-96 | East Lane Garden | 9633 | |
Sum-96 | Tesco's Blazing Beacon | 9632 | |
Sum-96 | Southern Comfort 1996 | 9631 | |
Sum-96 | Georgian Architecture | 9630 | |
Sum-96 | Historic Buildings and Ancient Landscape | 9629 | |
Sum-96 | Organisation | 9628 | |
Sum-96 | Barry Joyce and Local Distinctiveness | 9627 | |
Sum-96 | Trust Member's Choice | 9626 | |
Sum-96 | Central Winchester Urban Design Workshops | Ray Attfield | 9625 |
Sum-96 | Bicycles and Bicycling | Susan Butterfield | 9624 |
Sum-96 | Peninsula Barracks | Antony Skinner | 9623 |
Sum-96 | Report from the Heritage Centre | Chris Webb | 9622 |
Sum-96 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 9621 |
Sum-96 | Chairman's Message | Antony Skinner | 9620 |
Sum-96 | Title Picture | 9619 | |
Spg-96 | Diary | 9618 | |
Spg-96 | Subscriptions | 9617 | |
Spg-96 | Membership | 9616 | |
Spg-96 | Summer Lecture 30th May | 9615 | |
Spg-96 | Butterfly Conservation at Magdalen Hill Down | G. Yorke | 9614 |
Spg-96 | Summer Walks 1996 | 9613 | |
Spg-96 | Eye on the City | 9612 | |
Spg-96 | Organisation | 9611 | |
Spg-96 | Winchester Preservation Trust, 1957-1995 | 9610 | |
Spg-96 | Heritage Centre | C.J. Webb Mike Lee | 9609 |
Spg-96 | Hyde Gate | 9608 | |
Spg-96 | Projects | 9607 | |
Spg-96 | Peninsula Barracks Landscape | Hugh Watson | 9606 |
Spg-96 | Landscape - The Trust Tree Survey | Gillian Bauer | 9605 |
Spg-96 | Archives Committee | Rosemary Kinnard-Smith | 9604 |
Spg-96 | Development Control Committee | Shione Carden | 9603 |
Spg-96 | Chairman's Message | Antony Skinner | 9602 |
Spg-96 | Title Picture | 9601 | |
Sum-95 | Diary | 9530 | |
Sum-95 | Summer Walks | 9529 | |
Sum-95 | Organisation | 9528 | |
Sum-95 | Subscriptions | 9527 | |
Sum-95 | Cable Television - Attention Please! | 9526 | |
Sum-95 | Membership | 9525 | |
Sum-95 | Trust AGM: 13 November 1995 | 9524 | |
Sum-95 | East Lane Garden | 9523 | |
Sum-95 | ....Eye on the City | Ray Attfield | 9522 |
Sum-95 | Heritage Centre | Chris Webb | 9521 |
Sum-95 | Projects | Scot Alan Masker | 9520 |
Sum-95 | Landscape | Gillian Bauer | 9519 |
Sum-95 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 9518 |
Sum-95 | Message from the Chairman | Antony Skinner | 9517 |
Sum-95 | Title Picture | 9516 | |
Spg-95 | Diary | 9515 | |
Spg-95 | Summer Walks | 9514 | |
Spg-95 | Membership Subscriptions | 9513 | |
Spg-95 | Butterflies and Moths | 9512 | |
Spg-95 | Organisation | 9511 | |
Spg-95 | Cathedral Diver - Material wanted | 9510 | |
Spg-95 | Design Awards 1994 | 9509 | |
Spg-95 | The Waterways of Winchester- part2 | Elizabeth Proudman | 9508 |
Spg-95 | Heritage Centre | Chris Webb | 9507 |
Spg-95 | Chippindale Venture 1995 | Keith Leaman | 9506 |
Spg-95 | Projects | Scot Alan Masker | 9505 |
Spg-95 | Landscape | Gillian Bauer | 9504 |
Spg-95 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 9503 |
Spg-95 | Message from the Chairman | Antony Skinner | 9502 |
Spg-95 | Title Picture | 9501 | |
Sum-94 | Bargeboard Answers | 9426 | |
Sum-94 | Diary | 9425 | |
Sum-94 | Of Mynstres and Mills | John Keevil | 9424 |
Sum-94 | Annual General Meeting | 9423 | |
Sum-94 | Bargeboards of Winchester | 9422 | |
Sum-94 | Projects Group | Antony Feltham-King | 9421 |
Sum-94 | Heritage Centre | Chris Webb | 9420 |
Sum-94 | Urban Studies Committee | D.B. | 9419 |
Sum-94 | Landscape | Gillian Bauer | 9418 |
Sum-94 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 9417 |
Sum-94 | Message from the Chairman | Antony Skinner | 9416 |
Sum-94 | Title Picture | 9415 | |
Spg-94 | Diary | 9414 | |
Spg-94 | 1994 Design Awards | 9413 | |
Spg-94 | Computer for sale | 9412 | |
Spg-94 | New Members | 9411 | |
Spg-94 | Keep Your House In Good Order | 9410 | |
Spg-94 | Conservation Area | M.D. | 9409 |
Spg-94 | The Waterways of Winchester | Elizabeth Proudman | 9408 |
Spg-94 | Projects Group | Antony Feltham-King | 9407 |
Spg-94 | Heritage Centre | Chris Webb | 9406 |
Spg-94 | The Chippindale Venture and Chippindale Workshop | Keith Leaman | 9405 |
Spg-94 | Landscape | M.M. | 9404 |
Spg-94 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 9403 |
Spg-94 | Message from the Chairman | Antony Skinner | 9402 |
Spg-94 | Title Picture | 9401 | |
Sum-93 | Diary | 9327 | |
Sum-93 | Local Government Review in Hampshire | Harvey Cole | 9326 |
Sum-93 | The Lorry - Ally or Adversary | Frank Cook | 9325 |
Sum-93 | Profile: Development Control | 9324 | |
Sum-93 | The Trust Advisory Panel | 9323 | |
Sum-93 | Membership Subscription | 9322 | |
Sum-93 | Annual General Meeting | 9321 | |
Sum-93 | Heritage Centre | 9320 | |
Sum-93 | Urban Studies | 9319 | |
Sum-93 | Landscape | 9318 | |
Sum-93 | Development Control | 9317 | |
Sum-93 | Message from the Chairman | Antony Skinner | 9316 |
Sum-93 | Title Picture | 9315 | |
Spg-93 | Letter to Trust Members | 9314 | |
Spg-93 | Diary | 9313 | |
Spg-93 | Forthcoming books | 9312 | |
Spg-93 | People and Green Places | 9311 | |
Spg-93 | Winchester 900 Festival (1093 - 1993) | 9310 | |
Spg-93 | Southern Comfort Meeting | 9309 | |
Spg-93 | Conservation in the Balance | Andrew Rutter | 9308 |
Spg-93 | Heritage Centre | 9307 | |
Spg-93 | Chippindale Venture IV | 9306 | |
Spg-93 | Urban Studies - Lecture Series | 9305 | |
Spg-93 | Landscape | 9304 | |
Spg-93 | Development Control | Shione Carden | 9303 |
Spg-93 | Message from the Chairman | Antony Skinner | 9302 |
Spg-93 | Title Picture | 9301 | |
Sum-92 | Programme | 9221 | |
Sum-92 | New Publications by Trust Members | 9220 | |
Sum-92 | Townscape in Trouble | 9219 | |
Sum-92 | Winchester Historic Libraries | Sara Dick-Read | 9218 |
Sum-92 | Heritage Centre | 9217 | |
Sum-92 | Landscape | 9216 | |
Sum-92 | Development Control | 9215 | |
Sum-92 | Visions of Winchester | 9214 | |
Sum-92 | Title Picture | 9213 | |
Win-92 | Fine Arts Auction Sale | 9212 | |
Win-92 | Talks Programme | 9211 | |
Win-92 | Southern Comfort | Michael Carden | 9210 |
Win-92 | Flint Wall Repairs | Bob Bennett | 9209 |
Win-92 | Design Awards 1991 | 9208 | |
Win-92 | Heritage Centre | 9207 | |
Win-92 | Urban Studies | 9206 | |
Win-92 | Landscape | 9205 | |
Win-92 | Development Control | 9204 | |
Win-92 | Visions of Winchester | 9203 | |
Win-92 | Subscription Increase | 9202 | |
Win-92 | Title Picture | 9201 | |
Jul-91 | Concrete or Countryside | 9128 | |
Jul-91 | Ted Cullinan | 9127 | |
Jul-91 | A Winchester Bookshop & Bindery | Claire Bolton | 9126 |
Jul-91 | Grass Roots Democracy | 9125 | |
Jul-91 | Hampshire Butterfly Report | 9124 | |
Jul-91 | Hampshire Photographic Survey | 9123 | |
Jul-91 | Winchester Cathedral Appeal | 9122 | |
Jul-91 | Annual Fete | 9121 | |
Jul-91 | The Heritage Centre | 9120 | |
Jul-91 | Chippindale Venture | 9119 | |
Jul-91 | Landscape | 9118 | |
Jul-91 | Development Control | 9117 | |
Jul-91 | Chairman of the Trust | David Middleditch | 9116 |
Jul-91 | Title Picture | 9115 | |
Feb-91 | Application for Membership | 9114 | |
Feb-91 | Programme | 9113 | |
Feb-91 | Membership | 9112 | |
Feb-91 | Owen Browne Carter (1806 1859) | Robin Freeman | 9111 |
Feb-91 | The Mizmaze Puzzle | Prof James Stevens Curl | 9110 |
Feb-91 | Park and Ride | 9109 | |
Feb-91 | 1991 Design Awards | 9108 | |
Feb-91 | News in Brief | 9107 | |
Feb-91 | Heritage Centre | 9106 | |
Feb-91 | Landscape | 9105 | |
Feb-91 | Chippindale Venture II | 9104 | |
Feb-91 | Planning Developments | 9103 | |
Feb-91 | Grass Roots Democracy | Pamela Peskett | 9102 |
Feb-91 | Title Picture | 9101 | |
Aug-90 | Membership Recommendation Form | 9039 | |
Aug-90 | Application for Membership | 9038 | |
Aug-90 | Programme | 9037 | |
Aug-90 | The Lecture at the AGM by Professor Martin Biddle | 9036 | |
Aug-90 | New Books from Trust Members | 9035 | |
Aug-90 | Hampshire Garden Trust | 9034 | |
Aug-90 | Hampshire Butterfly Report | George Yorke | 9033 |
Aug-90 | Heritage Centre | Alan Cooke Hon. Mgr | 9032 |
Aug-90 | Planning Developments | Jeffrey Smith | 9031 |
Aug-90 | Landscape Committee | Penny Neyroud | 9030 |
Aug-90 | Racing in Winchester | Sara Dick-Read | 9029 |
Aug-90 | The Mizmaze Puzzle | Michael Carden | 9028 |
Aug-90 | We need your help to get more members for the Trust | Antony Skinner | 9027 |
Aug-90 | Title Picture | 9026 | |
May-90 | Membership | 9025 | |
May-90 | Programme | 9024 | |
May-90 | Coffeee Mornings | Rosemary Smith | 9023 |
May-90 | Letter from Mr. A.R.Bryant | 9022 | |
May-90 | Letter from Nick McPherson | 9021 | |
May-90 | Letter from Major K.M. Egleston | 9020 | |
May-90 | Planning Developments | Jeffrey Smith | 9019 |
May-90 | The Story of the Royal Hotel | Peter Bogan | 9018 |
May-90 | The M3 Motorway | Gillian Bauer | 9017 |
May-90 | The Arguments against the 'Cutting' Solution | Chris Gillham | 9016 |
May-90 | M3 Motorway Bar End to Compton | David Middleditch | 9015 |
May-90 | Officers | 9014 | |
May-90 | Title Picture | 9013 | |
Feb-90 | Party | 9012 | |
Feb-90 | Subscriptions | 9011 | |
Feb-90 | Programme | 9010 | |
Feb-90 | Charlotte Lady Bonham Carter - Obituary | David Middleditch | 9009 |
Feb-90 | Report from Planning and Policy Committee | Jeffrey Smith | 9008 |
Feb-90 | Trees in Winchester | Gillian Bauer | 9007 |
Feb-90 | Vision for the 1990's | Jeffrey Smith | 9006 |
Feb-90 | Magdalen Hill Down | George Yorke | 9005 |
Feb-90 | A Personal View of Winchester | Colin Stansfield Smith | 9004 |
Feb-90 | The Chippindale Venture | 9003 | |
Feb-90 | Mrs W J Carpenter Turner | David Middleditch | 9002 |
Feb-90 | Title Picture | 9001 | |
Aug-89 | Membership Application | 8929 | |
Aug-89 | Programme - 1989/90 | 8928 | |
Aug-89 | The Regimental Museums in Peninsula Barracks | Robert Cross | 8927 |
Aug-89 | Heritage Centre | Alan Cooke | 8926 |
Aug-89 | Some Problems of Tree Planting in Towns | Michael Baron | 8925 |
Aug-89 | The Chippindale Venture | Keith Leaman | 8924 |
Aug-89 | The Westgate | Jeffrey Smith | 8923 |
Aug-89 | Traffic in Winchester | C J Gillham | 8922 |
Aug-89 | St. John s Charity | Barbara Carpenter Turner | 8921 |
Aug-89 | Title Picture | John Crook | 8920 |
May-89 | Application for Membership | 8919 | |
May-89 | Programme | 8918 | |
May-89 | Sarum Farm | Robert Cross | 8917 |
May-89 | Peninsula Barracks | Michael Carden | 8916 |
May-89 | Planning Trends in Winchester | Jeffrey Smith | 8915 |
May-89 | Whiteshute Lane | 8914 | |
May-89 | City Road - The Need for An Aesthetic Evaluation | Keith Leaman | 8913 |
May-89 | Conserving and Enhancing a Cathedral | Trevor Beeson | 8912 |
May-89 | Title Picture | Peter Jones | 8911 |
Feb-89 | Application for Membership | 8910 | |
Feb-89 | Programme | 8909 | |
Feb-89 | Urban Studies | 8908 | |
Feb-89 | Winchester Heritage Centre | 8907 | |
Feb-89 | Obituary - Dr George Swift | D S Middleditch | 8906 |
Feb-89 | Personal Note From Gill Graham | Gill Graham | 8905 |
Feb-89 | A Short History of St Peter s Chapel - Now Milner Hall | Peter P Bogan | 8904 |
Feb-89 | Three Preservations Matters of Concern | 8903 | |
Feb-89 | A Personal View on Preservation | J F Sabben-Clare | 8902 |
Feb-89 | Title Picture | 8901 | |
Aug-88 | Programme | 8838 | |
Aug-88 | Free Trial Offer | 8837 | |
Aug-88 | Recent Trust Events | 8836 | |
Aug-88 | Urban Studies Committee | 8835 | |
Aug-88 | Gill - A Profile | 8834 | |
Aug-88 | Gill Graham | David Middleditch | 8833 |
Aug-88 | Winchester Heritage Centre | 8832 | |
Aug-88 | Winchester Road Safety Council | Ann Bailey | 8831 |
Aug-88 | Art in Architecture | Sasha Lubetkin | 8830 |
Aug-88 | Memorial Inscriptions at West Hill Cemetery | 8829 | |
Aug-88 | A Nature-Lover looks at West Hill Cemetery | George Yorke | 8828 |
Aug-88 | Peninsula Barracks | David Middleditch | 8827 |
Aug-88 | Frank Chippindale | Michael Carden | 8826 |
Aug-88 | Title Picture | Keith Leaman | 8825 |
Spg-88 | Programme | 8824 | |
Spg-88 | Sonnet Written by Christopher Fry | Christopher Fry | 8823 |
Spg-88 | Plaques | Chris Webb | 8822 |
Spg-88 | Stone Cladding - An Expensive Mistake | 8821 | |
Spg-88 | House Painting in Conversation Areas | 8820 | |
Spg-88 | Flint and Lime Centre | Michael Carden | 8819 |
Spg-88 | Winchester Heritage Centre | Ken Johns | 8818 |
Spg-88 | Winchester Preservation Trust Awards 1987 | 8817 | |
Spg-88 | Listing of Historic Buildings | Jeffrey Smith | 8816 |
Spg-88 | West Hill Cemetry | Nick McPherson | 8815 |
Spg-88 | The M3 Inquiry | Chris Gillham | 8814 |
Spg-88 | Subscription Remider | 8813 | |
Spg-88 | Title Picture - Rankside Cottages | Michael Carden | 8812 |
Feb-88 | Programme | 8811 | |
Feb-88 | St. Thomas Street Booklet | 8810 | |
Feb-88 | Hampshire Chronicle | 8809 | |
Feb-88 | Winchester Carnival | 8808 | |
Feb-88 | The Brooks | Michael Carden | 8807 |
Feb-88 | Winchester Heritage Centre | Ken Johns | 8806 |
Feb-88 | Collection of Slide Transpariences | Harold Sturges | 8805 |
Feb-88 | Development Control Committee | George Burnett | 8804 |
Feb-88 | Motorway Inquiry | Chris Gillham | 8803 |
Feb-88 | Covenanted Subscriptions | 8802 | |
Feb-88 | Title Picture | Michael Morris | 8801 |
Aug-87 | Programme | 8731 | |
Aug-87 | Marston s Brewery | 8730 | |
Aug-87 | M3 - Stop Press | 8729 | |
Aug-87 | Winchester Preservation Trust Awards - 1987 | 8728 | |
Aug-87 | BR s Refurbished Station - an Appreciation | Alan Cooke | 8727 |
Aug-87 | Heritage Centre News | 8726 | |
Aug-87 | The Trust s Comments on the Brooks Exhibition | 8725 | |
Aug-87 | Winchester Preservation Trust Booklets | 8724 | |
Aug-87 | M3 and the Winchester M3 Joint Action Group | 8723 | |
Aug-87 | Date of Annual General Meeting | 8722 | |
Aug-87 | Title Picture | Peter Jones | 8721 |
Spg-87 | Programme | 8720 | |
Spg-87 | Heritage Centre News | 8719 | |
Spg-87 | Covenants | 8718 | |
Spg-87 | Subscription Renewals | 8717 | |
Spg-87 | M3 Bar End - Compton | 8716 | |
Spg-87 | The Brooks Development | 8715 | |
Spg-87 | Title Picture | 8714 | |
Jan-87 | Additional Programme Information | 8713 | |
Jan-87 | Programme | 8712 | |
Jan-87 | Urban Studies Committee | Frank Chippindale | 8711 |
Jan-87 | Land Owned by Marston s Brewery, Hyde Street/North Walls | 8710 | |
Jan-87 | Twyford Waterworks Trust | 8709 | |
Jan-87 | Who are they | 8708 | |
Jan-87 | Amenity & Preservation Societies are more important | Keith Egleston | 8707 |
Jan-87 | Landscape Committee | Hugh Watson | 8706 |
Jan-87 | The Brooks Development | M Carden & C Gillham | 8705 |
Jan-87 | Collection of Slide Transparencies | Harold Sturges | 8704 |
Jan-87 | Heritage Centre News | Ken Johns & Alan Clarke | 8703 |
Jan-87 | 60/61 Colebrook Street | David Middleditch | 8702 |
Jan-87 | Title Picture | 8701 | |
Sum-86 | Programme | 8635 | |
Sum-86 | A City for People | Chris Gillham | 8634 |
Sum-86 | Discussion Paper Topics | 8633 | |
Sum-86 | Heritage Centre News | Ken Johns | 8632 |
Sum-86 | Development Control Committee | George Burnett | 8631 |
Sum-86 | Floral Winchester Group | Mary Dauncey | 8630 |
Sum-86 | Hampshire Archives Trust | Jeffrey Smith | 8629 |
Sum-86 | Who are they | 8628 | |
Sum-86 | Urban Studies Committee | Frank Chippindale | 8627 |
Sum-86 | Flint Wall Campaign | Michael Carden | 8626 |
Sum-86 | Title Picture | 8625 | |
Apr-86 | Additional Programme Information | 8624 | |
Apr-86 | Programme | 8623 | |
Apr-86 | Local Government (access to Information) Act 1985 | 8622 | |
Apr-86 | History of Firefighting | 8621 | |
Apr-86 | Time for a Trial of Park and Ride | Mary Dauncey | 8620 |
Apr-86 | Local Plan Inquiry | Chris Gillham | 8619 |
Apr-86 | The City Wall | Jeffrey Smith | 8618 |
Apr-86 | Who are They | 8617 | |
Apr-86 | Proposed Local History Section | 8616 | |
Apr-86 | Scottish Scenic Trust s "Operation Coastguard" | 8615 | |
Apr-86 | The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Naturalists' Trust | 8614 | |
Apr-86 | Southern Comfort | 8613 | |
Apr-86 | Advertisments and the Law | 8612 | |
Apr-86 | Heritage Centre News | 8611 | |
Apr-86 | Environment Week (3 - 11 May) | 8610 | |
Apr-86 | Urban Studies Committee | 8609 | |
Apr-86 | City Council s Design Awards-Panel of Judges | 8608 | |
Apr-86 | Winchester Area Local Plan | 8607 | |
Apr-86 | Situations Vacant! | 8606 | |
Apr-86 | Landscape Committee | Penny Neyroud | 8605 |
Apr-86 | Data Protection Act | 8604 | |
Apr-86 | Subscription Renewals | 8603 | |
Apr-86 | Development Control Committee | George Burnett | 8602 |
Apr-86 | Title Picture | 8601 | |
Dec-85 | Programme | 8528 | |
Dec-85 | Where shall we plant it | 8527 | |
Dec-85 | Winchester Preservation Trust Awards 1985 | 8526 | |
Dec-85 | Development Control | 8525 | |
Dec-85 | Short of ideas for Christmas or New Year Presents | 8524 | |
Dec-85 | Discussion Paper on Offices | 8523 | |
Dec-85 | Winchester Area Local Plan Inquiry | 8522 | |
Dec-85 | "Hampshire Trail" | 8521 | |
Dec-85 | Car Parking Costs in Winchester | 8520 | |
Dec-85 | Heritage Centre Christmas Cards | 8519 | |
Dec-85 | "Time for Design" | 8518 | |
Dec-85 | WPT Outing to Odiham | Elizabeth Ashlin Wood | 8517 |
Dec-85 | Heritage Centre News | Ken Johns & George Swift | 8516 |
Dec-85 | Annual General Meeting | 8515 | |
Dec-85 | 60/61 Colebrook Street | 8514 | |
Dec-85 | Title Picture | 8513 | |
Apr-85 | Additional Programme Information | 8512 | |
Apr-85 | Programme | 8511 | |
Apr-85 | The Hampshire Gardens Trust | Gill Graham | 8510 |
Apr-85 | Development Control Committee | Nick McPherson | 8509 |
Apr-85 | Heritage Centre News | George Swift | 8508 |
Apr-85 | Heritage Centre Carnegie Grant | 8507 | |
Apr-85 | Subscriptions & Membership | Gill Graham | 8506 |
Apr-85 | The Winchester Area Local Plan | M Carden & C Gillham | 8505 |
Apr-85 | Summer Soiree | Gill Graham | 8504 |
Apr-85 | Troops of Oliver Cromwell Approaching Winchester | Jeffrey Smith | 8503 |
Apr-85 | Chairman s Message | David Weait | 8502 |
Apr-85 | Title Picture | 8501 |